Angry Anderson: The Great Australian Divide

We have all heard the expression ‘divide and conquer’ because as a strategy, if you can divide a force, you weaken it and therefore make it easier to conquer or control.


A divided force, army or country is easier to overthrow or control than a truly united one.


So, if you wanted to defeat or control a country, a smart tactic would be to systematically weaken its structure, divide it among itself so as to weaken the very fabric that it was originally woven from… and that folks, brothers and sisters, is what is happening to this great country of ours…to us, its people. 


The banking families decided that they weren’t getting enough taxes from taxing only one bread earner from each family unit.


If they could split the family down the middle they could easily convince the non bread winner, the home maker, the wife, that she should go out and get herself a job and therefore they could tax her wage too and so increase their yield, their plunder…oh but the sacrifice to achieve this would be the dismantling of the traditional family unit as we knew it and that was a sacrifice they were willing to make on our behalf. 


Day Care Centres sprung up on every second corner thus creating even more jobs for women because men were excluded from caring for children because, as the enemy, they could not be trusted. That, as they say, is another story for another day altogether but suffice to say, part of the overall plot to divide us and weaken us.


Schools were next on the list. The idea was to divide the children at school from their teachers so creating a fertile environment to indoctrinate, as opposed to educate, our young to embrace an ideology that was politically/economically driven, for their own good.

This would foster in them the misguided belief that once liberated from the constraints of structure and discipline, they could seek and find a better way. We may as well include dividing the children from their parents while we are at it because we don’t need the parents having too much of a say in their upbringing because that may make it harder to manipulate the children later on. 


Multiculturalism in its purest politically correct form is dividing the world and left rampant it is dividing and will divide Australia just as it already has elsewhere around the globe!

What insanity leads us to believe that we will somehow be different to Europe, Britain or America, where the very fabric of their societies has been frayed, almost if not, beyond repair?

Again this is a decision made in our best interests, a sacrifice we all have to make for the betterment of whom?


 Entire Article Here


I've always liked Angry Anderson. After reading this article I like him even more. Interesting and unexpected, to see this sort of article in a business magazine, though.

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Re: Angry Anderson: The Great Australian Divide

His mauritian mother ignored. his act was busted wide open on the SBS doco. silly little bald man didn't know why he was a bigot ,and the confonting reality of refugee camps etc had him admit to being wrong on the matter (seems enough time has passed for people to forget so he's started up again )

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Re: Angry Anderson: The Great Australian Divide

what a horrid little man and a hypocrite, pretends there is some kind of divide where there is none and then spends the entire article attempting to divide us - horrible, pathetic and sadly stupid. Who is his god i wonder?   Was he at the hate fest  WFC on the weekend?


I have found my cause, I know my enemy.
I walk with my God as I hope you walk with yours,
Your friend, Angry


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Re: Angry Anderson: The Great Australian Divide

@icyfroth wrote:



 Entire Article Here


I've always liked Angry Anderson. After reading this article I like him even more. Interesting and unexpected, to see this sort of article in a business magazine, though.

Business Resource & Lifestyle Magazine



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Re: Angry Anderson: The Great Australian Divide

@am*3 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:



 Entire Article Here


I've always liked Angry Anderson. After reading this article I like him even more. Interesting and unexpected, to see this sort of article in a business magazine, though.

Business Resource & Lifestyle Magazine



Smiley LOL Is that all you could find?

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