Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb



Posts must be your own work. 

Talking about Joz's undies is mandatory.

Digital enhancments are required. see above. 


Have fun, and bicker all you want. 😉





no siggy
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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

I'd hate to see the weekly chat end. 


I love the kitty cat photo on the boat. 


I do think it's hard to go out and "hope" to get a good photo bombed photo. 

They either happen, or they don't. 


It was a new and fresh idea, and that is what makes the weekly challenges so much fun. 



no siggy
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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

The title was supposed to say CHAT thread. WHOOPS> 



no siggy
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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

I just had a look at the photo bomb thread, and I just love Channys mum's pic of the kittens in the handbag, then I came across tende's pic of Fender peeking over the roof, love that one too

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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

I think most of my photo bombed pictures involve family members.......well mainly my daughter and son.........but I am reluctant to post them.


They have  continuing Facebook wars..........where they post terrible pictures of each other...........or bomb each others pictures.

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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

My family wouldn't be happy if I posted photos of them. I understand why you feel that way. 


I do like the picture of the photobombing sister. It's very funny. 

Last week I photo bombed two young gals at a Dodger Baseball game. They took about 4,000 selfies during the game. It was so annoying, that I finally put myself in the photo, with peace signs over both of their heads. For some reason, they stopped taking selfies after that. 😉

no siggy
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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

Good idea to continue with the chat thread specific to each weeks theme. A suggestion I made (with reasons why it would be best) and got howled down.
Feedback from photo posters and or viewers should be given careful consideration, votes even, before changes are made to suit one person.

I haven't got any photobomb photos. A gyrocopter was in a photo of sky/ocean I took a couple of weeks ago, it was so small it looked like a bug in the photo. I deleted it.
Probably do have some photos bombed by family members, but agree with above comments, wouldn't post them.

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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

mine is a fellow employee clocking in while i was trying to create a new avi showing the kitchen i worked in,at the time,lol! 

just so you know,we called her hurricane !:) 

taste my religion! nibble a witch! 😄
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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

Katy that is what I call a well dressed "beach bum".Smiley LOL


Nice scenery.



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Weekly photo challenge CHAT thread. Theme is photobomb

I dunno if this is the right thread or not, I just posted this in the other PHOTO chat thread, then saw this, so if I have f*****d up Sorry,

here ismy post again.


I been a little busy, and think I may be getting busier.........


so - can I please respectfully ask:


pimpy., stawka., nics.....


to start a new photo comp thread should I ever WIN one the week before and not appear by the Tuesday day to bask in my (well deserved) wonderfulness and choose a theme!.


Yes, I know it is unlikely that I will win, but FGS, there has to be some 'pity' votes by now so you never know.


BTW this is Wally....wally.JPG


Cheers guys, I try to get in as often as I can, but I am off camping this weekend, so........


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

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