Can't post in ANSWER section ......

Trying to ask why I have lost formatting bar in Discussion threads when I go to post? and why can't I use 'paste' option?
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Can't post in ANSWER section ......

What are you using.. A computer or an ipad?
Message 2 of 8
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Can't post in ANSWER section ......

I have the same problem and I am on my laptop Can't post pics

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 3 of 8
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Can't post in ANSWER section ......

Desk top computer .....never had probs til 3 days ago when everything was going 'crazy' on ebay.....gremlin crazy that is. I can copy and paste on all other sites but can't paste pics in here. Can't use Q/answer forum either.
Message 4 of 8
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Can't post in ANSWER section ......

.....the options bar on my posts does not work either i.e. can't edit after posting. There is no formatting bar that usu appears when you go to post i.e. no options to customise text - highlight, change font, bold underline etc etc.NOTHING! Can't 'arrange' my posts in lines or paragraphs either....once I hit the 'post' button my post/s appear to be automatically formatted in one long continuous speal.
Message 5 of 8
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Can't post in ANSWER section ......

Try using Chrome.


on an iPad, that was the way to get all the fancy stuff happening.


so just might work on a PC, too.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 6 of 8
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Can't post in ANSWER section ......

Cheers for suggestion amber.....just going to try pasting a pretty Monday pic to test - have signed in using Chrome


YAY! ref paste option working.....AND FORMATTING BAR is visible too *YIPPY!!!!. Thank you Amber you clever oneSmiley HappyHeart

Message 7 of 8
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Can't post in ANSWER section ......






Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 8 of 8
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