Child filmed riding on car roof rack

Child filmed riding on car roof rack sparks wave of online abuse, leaving family traumatised


i find it very hard to believe not only do you not notice all your kids are in the car but also you didnt notice one sitting on the roof!

yes ive seen people put shopping or their wallet/phone on the top of a car and drive off. but never a 4 year old child!

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Re: Child filmed riding on car roof rack

Honored Contributor

I've been following this story, and there have been conflicting reports.


One witness said she grabbed the kid and put him in the car, saying he liked to ride up there.


She says he undid his seatbelt and climbed out the window and onto the roof.


Why didn't the other two kids in the car say anything if she didn't notice?


Dunno what I believe.


If he's autistic, then he needs a better car restraint.

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Re: Child filmed riding on car roof rack

That is what struck me........the other kids did'nt even make a noise at all ? 


Something somewhere certainly seems NQR as has been reported thus far

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Child filmed riding on car roof rack

Totally agree bear.  There is certainly more to this story.

One the news footage I saw, the child looked quite content up there.  Makes you wonder.

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Re: Child filmed riding on car roof rack

Re: Child filmed riding on car roof rack

How would anybody know that the kid likes to ride up there unless it has happened before?


What was the mother doing if the kid had time to undo his seatbelt and climb out the window onto the roof?   There must have been some noise associated with these gymnastics.


Far too many questions to be answered before I would believe this story.

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Re: Child filmed riding on car roof rack

I've only seen that one link that david put up, but from the posts here, it would seem there are conflicting stories.


I have to agree with Lyndal that you wouldn't know if a child 'liked' to ride up there unless they had done it before.


But I am having trouble believing it had been done before, or at least, been done on busy roads, as I think we would have seen reports of it. Or, after this hit the news, other previous facebook comments & discussions would have surfaced. People saying-we saw that same thing last week etc


I also have a problem believing a young child was able to climb out of a moving car & up onto the roof rack without a bit of effort or anyone noticing or saying anything. But I notice there were 3 kids in the car at the time & 2 were in child restraints. So I am assuming they were younger, under 4 years of age. If I had to guess, I'd say the youngest might only have been one year old and not up to talking and even the second one might only be 2.


I do believe though the 4 year old wanted to be there. But the thing is, when police stopped the car, he wasn't in any sort of restraint at all. And there is the crux of the problem, because he most definitely should have been. He is obviously a handful, let's be honest here. No 4 year old would generally climb up onto the roof rack by himself or be happy being up there. No sensible mother would put him there, even if he whinged to have a go (which may have happened).


Bottom line, he should have been in a suitable child restraint so the parents do deserve a fine.



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