Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China



China has one of the WORST human rights record in the world   ....... how dare they post  something like this, time for Au to retaliate and keep them OUT of Au

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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

In New Zealand they threatened to pluck out our eyes !!!!!!!!!!

Message 11 of 28
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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

@not_for_sale2024 wrote:

Not only does China still have it in for Australia, but the Russian Government has joined in now. The Russian and Chinese partnership is a threat to the Western world, including Australia. They are not only a serious military threat, they have the ability to badly hurt us economically. Australia's reliance on China places us in a position where China can control future relationships and trade agreements. IMO, Morrison needs to think very deeply about this reliance on China, and how long our Government will tolerate such threats as, "Australians will know how it feels like to walk into the dark."

I think Morrison is already " thinking deeply about our reliance on China "


He has just made a 24 hour trip to meet the Japanese Prime Minister that will require him to undergo 14 days of COVID quarantine on his return to Australia. 




Japan is our second largest trading partner and is becoming an important strategic defence partner in the face of China's increased global aggressiveness.


The fact that the PM would undertake 14 days COVID quarantine for a 24 hour diplomatic visit is a highly visible, public sign that Australia is seriously looking elsewhere for increased trading relationships with countries other than China. It puts China on notice that its behaviour could see the country left behind in future trading agreements.


The Australian government is also currently involved in strategic defense and trade talks with India, a rising global power in our region. India with 1.35 billion people, compared to China's 1.39 Billion has the potential to rival China for importance in future international trade. Australia will be joining India in " joint defence war games " later next year. The first time in living memory that such an arrangement has been undertaken.


Our government has already made it abundantly clear it is not going to be bullied by China. It is already out there in the global arena shoring up traditional trading and defence agreements and forming new relationships with other international partners. While there may be some short term pain domestically from changes in our trading relationships with China it is necessary to ensure our future sovereign and economic stability.

Message 12 of 28
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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

Apologies.... the India - Australia ( and U.S / Japan ) defence naval " war games " are happening now. ( not late next year ) Run by India, Australia has been invited to attend for the first time in 13 years in response to China's recent global aggressiveness. China is currently in dispute with India over international borders and military confrontations have taken place recently..


Australia is not the only country to currently be feeling the blow torch of Chinese " international diplomacy."





Message 13 of 28
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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

It's NOT 'fake image', it's a meme, it's a satire.  It does not pretend it is a real image.  It is just a comment on the recent revelations of civilian killing by our troops.  Funny, our social and political cartoonists/commentators  churn out equivalent staff daily; we can certainly dish it out, but cannot take fair criticism. 

Message 14 of 28
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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

@*kazumi* wrote:

It's NOT 'fake image', it's a meme, it's a satire.  It does not pretend it is a real image.  It is just a comment on the recent revelations of civilian killing by our troops.  Funny, our social and political cartoonists/commentators  churn out equivalent staff daily; we can certainly dish it out, but cannot take fair criticism. 

I think you are missing the point here. The image was not put out by China's social and political cartoonists / satirist, it was put out by one of China's highest ranked government officials.


That is a completely different ball game to some minor nobody putting something out on social media. It is a Chinese Government orchestrated attack on Australia and goes hand in hand with recent attacks on our trading relationship and sovereignty through Chinese government initiated hacks on our major infrastructure and corporate computer systems.. 

Message 15 of 28
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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

Well, SCOMO openly criticizes Chinese government; they post meme.  The fact is, our elite soldiers executed civilians, some very young boys, some old men, in Afghanistan.  Some 20 soldiers got caught, but hundreds knew about what was going on. 

China has many problems with us, fair or not, they should not been ignored, they should have been sorted by diplomacy.  But Morrison has illusion of our supremacy, or maybe his supremacy.

China's complaints:


Message 16 of 28
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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

@*kazumi* wrote:

Well, SCOMO openly criticizes Chinese government; they post meme.  The fact is, our elite soldiers executed civilians, some very young boys, some old men, in Afghanistan.  Some 20 soldiers got caught, but hundreds knew about what was going on. 

China has many problems with us, fair or not, they should not been ignored, they should have been sorted by diplomacy.  But Morrison has illusion of our supremacy, or maybe his supremacy.

China's complaints:


You still don't seem to get it...........The problems with China are not just an Australian / SCOMO thing. China is alienating countries around the world at the moment, including active military skirmishes with India over border disputes, trade wars with the U.S, trade sanctions against Canada, break downs in communication with the U.K  and posturing over the disputed territories in the South China sea etc. 


The concern with this particular tweet is it is something we would expect to see from a deranged South African dictator or terrorist group, not something that falls within the bounds of measured international diplomacy from one of the largest countries on the planet. The Chinese leadership has lost the plot and that's a very scary thing for all countries. It is creating global instability that could easily lead to international warfare on a scale never seen before. .


Australia is not the only country that China is playing hard ball with. This link details Chinese tariffs and bans on Canadian products. Is that SCOMO's fault too ?




Message 17 of 28
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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

Did anybody just see the Kevin Rudd interview on The 7.30 Report? He spoke about the current situation with China and IMO made the most sense of anyone who has made comment. He was not politically bias and spoke from his vast experience with China. He stressed Australia is not the only country experiencing pressure and threats, citing Norway and Canada as other countries being targeted just as heavily.


But when asked about the handling of the current situations by our PM, he stated, "Scott Morrison should learn from the Japanese playbook of doing more and talking less in their dealings with China: โ€œAustralia, under the conservatives, has an attitude about China but not yet a strategy for dealing with China.โ€


Pretty good advice which Morrison should pay attention to.

Message 18 of 28
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Re: Disgusting "fake" Tweet From China

@*kazumi* wrote:

Well, SCOMO openly criticizes Chinese government; they post meme.  The fact is, our elite soldiers executed civilians, some very young boys, some old men, in Afghanistan.  Some 20 soldiers got caught, but hundreds knew about what was going on. 

China has many problems with us, fair or not, they should not been ignored, they should have been sorted by diplomacy.  But Morrison has illusion of our supremacy, or maybe his supremacy.

Good post. Quite a reasonable assessment there kazumi. Very reasonable.  I agree! I think we have to go back to the Howard era (i feel nauseated already) and remember how Howard tried to  make Australia in America's image. Little America! 


People haven't forgotten what Bush, Blair & Howard did. No way do I blame anyone else in Australia apart from the people in the government that willingly went along with it. Right or wrong, some countries feel they have a right to throw dirt at us, and the sins of HoWARd gives them that excuse. It has been saidBoth he and Blair behaved like George Bushโ€™s poodles. 


I'm no fan of China but I can say that Kevin Rudd's approach to the relationship between Australia and China was positive. It was definitely less ego-driven and less subservient to the US profit interests than anything the Liberal party could attempt in the past or ever will.


There's a whole lot more to this than the current situation suggests, obviously!   Now I don't agree with everything Pilger says but his documentary here makes a lot of sense and should serve as a warning.



  โ€œThe Coming War On Chinaโ€ โ€“ Watch John Pilgerโ€™s Powerfully Relevant DocumentaryCaitlin Johnstone



"The aim of this film is to break a silence: the United States and China may well be on the road to war, and nuclear war is no longer unthinkable," Pilger says in his 2016 documentary The Coming War on China, which you can watch free on Youtube here or on Vimeo here.

"In a few years China has become the world's second-biggest economic power," Pilger's introduction continues. "The United States is the world's biggest military power, with bases and missiles and ships covering every continent and every ocean. China is a threat to this dominance, says Washington. But who is the threat? This film is about shifting power, and great danger."

As we've been discussing for years now, the relentless quest of the US-centralized empire-like power alliance for total world domination has put it on a collision course with the surging economic powerhouse of China which refuses to be absorbed into the imperial blob. The empire's continued existence depends upon its ability to undermine China before it grows too powerful or the empire grows too weak to stop its ascent, at which point global hegemony becomes impossible and we are living in a truly multipolar world.


This is a time for level-headed thinking and the thought of future consequences.

Message 20 of 28
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