User Activity

Tax time is coming around again so for those who dont know all the rabbit holes in ebays systems, here is a tip on how to get all your tax figures from ebay in two minutes. 1) Click on " selling "2) Go to the bar graph that shows 30 day sales3) Click...
Havnt looked in here for awhile, but thought I would call in and check the Christmas celebrations thread and New year greetings thread to see who is still around. Imagine my surprise when there doesnt even seem to be enough posters left here to run t...
Got a call from an Australian ebay rep. today, inviting me to join their fullfillment program, Orange- connex. Looks to be outsourced but another example of ebay squeezing the lemon a bit more, trying to extract a few more fees out of existing seller...
Yes really,............. there's plenty of us who have been around for years despite all of eBays well documented problems, so there must be something that keeps us here. Feel free to add your posts on the things you enjoy about selling on ebay.
Just stumbled across this little gem. Tax / social services reporting limit drops from $20K to $600 on U.S.A ebay site starting this year. So if a U.S. ebay seller sells more than $600 in a year, they will need to report it to the U.S. internal reven...