Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

Brighton East dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches, huge neck gash as owner flees scene


Another dog attack. its simple, keep all dogs on leash in public!


why do owners so often think its OK to let their dogs roam free? both these guys were wrong, you can still run with your dog on a lead.

Message 1 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

Arvo Newscorp,


Simples - my pooch is on a lead - I don't want to be confronted - nor confront others.


She is a 10 inch high - threat.


Beautiful here - how's the beach today.


Robot Happy



Message 2 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

and now of course the dog will be killed because the owner is an irresponsible asp Robot Mad

Message 3 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

Honored Contributor

Oh dear...another attack involving a Rottie Cross.  When will people learn that when a Rottie is crossed with anything it is likely to end up as a rogue.

My daughtr and son in law are both dog handlers/trainers and will happily work with Rotties but not crosses as they are too unpredictable.

Message 4 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

@domino-710 wrote:

Arvo Newscorp,


Simples - my pooch is on a lead - I don't want to be confronted - nor confront others.


She is a 10 inch high - threat.


Beautiful here - how's the beach today.


Robot Happy



beach is very nice today, 18c and sunny. winter is not here yet, we need some rain to get the wheat growing.

Message 5 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

I didn't know that.  I've met a lot of rotties presumably purebred  and all of them have been big friendly boofheads which I put down to good training by their owners.   This sort of dog attack is reprehensible and I wonder why there weren't witnesses around or those prepared to take this idiot female to task as obviously the poor victim couldn't.


In the dog park I go to ...... and it is off leash...... I feel safe as if ever there is the slightest sign of aggro in a dog everyone gathers around and takes the owner to task big time.  Though in all the years I've been going there I have only ever once seen one   dog attack, and that lasted for about 3 seconds as the other owners fixed that up quick smart. 


That poor man, he had terrible injuries.



Message 6 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

My daughter got her first Rottie when she moved out of home...our yard was too small for such a large dog.


She swore by them as guard dogs and had a number of them when she had the guard dog company.  She was often offered German Shephers and Rotties for free by people who wanted to get rif of them for some reason.  She always went to look at them but if she was offered crosses she turned them down without even looking, especially the Rotties.


She decided to train her own personal Rottie for guard duties when she turned 2.  She always took her in the car when she was working and one night stopped at our place to give the dog a drink and a run around  Our new little Westie shot out the door to greet the visitor with me in hot pursuit, fearing the worst.  I just collapsed in a fit of giggles when I saw the Rottie looking very bemused at this little white "thing" wandering between her legs and under her tummy.  The only time she flinched was when Jock's ever wagging tail tickled her.

Despite being trained as a guard dog she was still as sweet natured as she had ever been with us.

Message 7 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

So hope they find this dog and it's owner before anyone else gets hurt   .....  

Message 8 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

@lyndal1838 wrote:

My daughter got her first Rottie when she moved out of home...our yard was too small for such a large dog.


She swore by them as guard dogs and had a number of them when she had the guard dog company.  She was often offered German Shephers and Rotties for free by people who wanted to get rif of them for some reason.  She always went to look at them but if she was offered crosses she turned them down without even looking, especially the Rotties.


She decided to train her own personal Rottie for guard duties when she turned 2.  She always took her in the car when she was working and one night stopped at our place to give the dog a drink and a run around  Our new little Westie shot out the door to greet the visitor with me in hot pursuit, fearing the worst.  I just collapsed in a fit of giggles when I saw the Rottie looking very bemused at this little white "thing" wandering between her legs and under her tummy.  The only time she flinched was when Jock's ever wagging tail tickled her.

Despite being trained as a guard dog she was still as sweet natured as she had ever been with us.

Our teenage son has moved out to our remote rural farm to live and work. As he has not lived away from home before and would be alone in the isolated farm house some of the time, we purchased him a nice little border collie / kelpie cross pup for company. It was just meant to be a companion and possibly do some sheep work if it was suitable.


What the puppy sellers forgot to mention was the pup was half German Shepherd. We where pretty disappointed to say the least. That was until we let the pup loose in the sheep yards. It is shaping up as one of the best sheep dogs I have owned. The pup is highly intelligent, very courageous and a natural born leader, already usurping a 4 year old dog in the pack structure and at 3-4 months age is testing the lead older dog for pack dominance.


I have had to pay special attention to obedience and asserting my control as the pup has regularly tested me too. ( much more than any pup I have ever owned before ) It has been a very interesting experience.

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Dog attack leaves man with 40 stitches

If the pup is 1/2 GSD, be very careful running it too much, too fast as such a young age, you are encouraging HD   ..... Xing a GSD with BC is just asking for trouble

Message 10 of 15
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