Gayby Baby

Burwood Girls High School: Anger over gay parenting documentary ‘Gayby Baby’


PARENTS are angry that a prominent government high school had organised for its 1200 students to watch a documentary on gay parenting instead of normal classes.

Burwood Girls High School sent a flyer to parents last week saying all students would attend a special screening of the documentary Gayby Baby during periods two and three on Friday. Students were instructed to wear purple, with purple cupcakes served after the movie.


But after a backlash from parents, including outrage at the flyer which depicted a young, shirtless boy with a tattoo on his chest, principal Mia Kumar yesterday offered parents the option to exclude their daughters from the screening if they notified the school in writing.


NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli has now directed the Department of Education to ensure the film is not shown in school hours, telling  2GB Radio on Wednesday while the schools accepted diversity, “schools are not places for political issues to be aired”.


“During school hours we expect them to be doing maths and English and curriculum matters.

This movie is not part of the curriculum and that’s why I’ve made that direction,” Mr Piccoli said.

He also admitted that he hadn’t seen the film, which follows the lives of several children with same-sex parents.


"principal Mia Kumar yesterday offered parents the option to exclude their daughters from the screening if they notified the school in writing." Smiley Surprised


How dare they?


Who is pushing this relentless homosexual agenda, and why?

Message 1 of 232
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231 REPLIES 231

Re: Gayby Baby

Community Member

Would you be ok with it if it followed the lives of several children with oppisite sex parents?

Message 2 of 232
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Re: Gayby Baby

@joa_ell wrote:

Would you be ok with it if it followed the lives of several children with oppisite sex parents?

Not in school hours, no.

Message 3 of 232
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Re: Gayby Baby

Who is pushing this relentless homosexual agenda, and why?


good question.


it wasn't going to be just a screening -

it was going to be a celebration with cup

cakes and fashion parade....seriously..


The Burwood Girls High School flyer. Source: Twitter.The Burwood Girls High School flyer. Source: Twitter.









Message 4 of 232
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Re: Gayby Baby

not surprised about the backlash.



Message 5 of 232
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Re: Gayby Baby

Honored Contributor

It is completely unacceptable to screen it during school hours and only marginally more acceptable to screen it outside school hours with attendance optional.



Message 6 of 232
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Re: Gayby Baby

The Principal was possibly feeling quite proud of the ex-students of the school who crowd funded and produced the film, and so decided to celebrate their achievement.

Message 7 of 232
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Re: Gayby Baby

Not in school hours, no.




Well, ummm, how about the lives of several stray cats in the city.. We've put collars on some stray cats, then mounted cameras to those collars. Now experance the life of a stray cat, go where they go, see what they see, and eat what they eat.


What movies would you like to see kids in school watching?

Message 8 of 232
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Re: Gayby Baby

@joa_ell wrote:

Not in school hours, no.




Well, ummm, how about the lives of several stray cats in the city.. We've put collars on some stray cats, then mounted cameras to those collars. Now experance the life of a stray cat, go where they go, see what they see, and eat what they eat.


What movies would you like to see kids in school watching?

 I'd like them to learn to read,write and do maths, geography and history, if that's not too much to ask.


Sex education should be dealt with in the home.

Message 9 of 232
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Re: Gayby Baby

What movies would you like to see kids in school watching?



The NSW Department of Education policy on controversial issues in schools states: "Schools are neutral grounds for rational discourse and objective study. They are not arenas for opposing political views or ideologies" and that material such as films should be "relevant to curriculum aims and objectives".

Message 10 of 232
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