Gayby Baby

Burwood Girls High School: Anger over gay parenting documentary ‘Gayby Baby’


PARENTS are angry that a prominent government high school had organised for its 1200 students to watch a documentary on gay parenting instead of normal classes.

Burwood Girls High School sent a flyer to parents last week saying all students would attend a special screening of the documentary Gayby Baby during periods two and three on Friday. Students were instructed to wear purple, with purple cupcakes served after the movie.


But after a backlash from parents, including outrage at the flyer which depicted a young, shirtless boy with a tattoo on his chest, principal Mia Kumar yesterday offered parents the option to exclude their daughters from the screening if they notified the school in writing.


NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli has now directed the Department of Education to ensure the film is not shown in school hours, telling  2GB Radio on Wednesday while the schools accepted diversity, “schools are not places for political issues to be aired”.


“During school hours we expect them to be doing maths and English and curriculum matters.

This movie is not part of the curriculum and that’s why I’ve made that direction,” Mr Piccoli said.

He also admitted that he hadn’t seen the film, which follows the lives of several children with same-sex parents.


"principal Mia Kumar yesterday offered parents the option to exclude their daughters from the screening if they notified the school in writing." Smiley Surprised


How dare they?


Who is pushing this relentless homosexual agenda, and why?

Message 1 of 232
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231 REPLIES 231

Gayby Baby

Homosexuality and Homosexual marriage is a political football, the homosexual minority are loving it, they are vying for acceptance and legitimization of their deviant behaviour.


With whom are they vying? Not with heterosexuals; they don't need to be be in competition with anyone -  they already have the privieges that homosexuals are striving for


.Vie: verb (used without object), vied, vying.

To strive in competition or rivalry with another; contend for superiority
Message 21 of 232
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Gayby Baby

@eeebatt wrote:

Regretfully, azureline**, sex education does not prevent promiscuity.

I didn't say it did, did I?

Sex education can and does prevent pregnancy and STD's though?

Message 22 of 232
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Gayby Baby

Thamk you the_great_she-elephant, you have verified that homosexuality and homosexual marriage is a political football.


Unfortunately you have either not comprehended my statement with regard to vying or you have elected to ignore the remainder of the sentence and instead focused on the word vying.

Message 23 of 232
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Gayby Baby

azureline** , as can non promiscuity, very effectively

Message 24 of 232
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Gayby Baby

@eeebatt wrote:

Thamk you the_great_she-elephant, you have verified that homosexuality and homosexual marriage is a political football.


Unfortunately you have either not comprehended my statement with regard to vying or you have elected to ignore the remainder of the sentence and instead focused on the word vying.

If you don't say what you mean then people will assume you mean what you say.

Homosexuals are not "vying" with anyo other individual or group, they are simply trying to access the same right to marry that heterosexuals have.  


Yes, I do believe the question of marriage equality has become a political football and the reason for that can be summed up in two words Tony Abbott. As I commented in another thread, he is caught between a rock and  a hard place. Hecan see the writing on the wall and although he desperately wants to keep his job, but as a devout (geez I hate that word) Catholic he doesn't want to go down in history as the man who introduced  marriage equality into Australia. As a result he is procrastinating and hoping that the problem can be swept under the carpet, at least till after the next election, by which time he will have found a plausible excuse to shelve it again.

Message 25 of 232
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Gayby Baby

Burwood Girls High School: Anger over gay parenting documentary ‘Gayby Baby’


PARENTS are angry that a prominent government high school had organised for its 1200 students to watch a documentary on gay parenting instead of normal classes.

Burwood Girls High School sent a flyer to parents last week saying all students would attend a special screening of the documentary Gayby Baby during periods two and three on Friday. Students were instructed to wear purple, with purple cupcakes served after the movie.


But after a backlash from parents, including outrage at the flyer which depicted a young, shirtless boy with a tattoo on his chest, principal Mia Kumar yesterday offered parents the option to exclude their daughters from the screening if they notified the school in writing.


The New South Wales Department of Education has confirmed that no parents had objected to the showing of Gayby Baby during class time – plans that have now been shelved across the state on the orders of the education minister, Adrian Piccoli.

“The school has not received any complaints from Burwood girls high school parents,” the department said in a statement.

Message 26 of 232
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Gayby Baby

regardless of how this was brought 

to the department of education's attention -

they made the right decision by not allowing

it to be shown during school hours.




Message 27 of 232
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Gayby Baby

Oh look! Another factual article brought to you by The Daily Telegraph. 😄
Message 28 of 232
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Gayby Baby

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
Oh look! Another factual article brought to you by The Daily Telegraph. 😄

here you go, is this better?  Smiley Very Happy



NSW Premier Mike Baird has defended a move to prevent a documentary about gay parenting from being shown during class time in state schools.


Burwood Girls High School sent parents a flyer last week informing them that all students would attend a screening of the film Gayby Baby during class hours on Friday, as part of Wear It Purple Day — an initiative designed to promote acceptance and tolerance of diversity.


The PG-rated film follows the lives of four children — Gus, Ebony, Matt and Graham —growing up with gay parents.


After a backlash from some parents, the Burwood Girls principal said students could be excused from attending if they had written permission.


But in a statement, Education Minister Adrian Piccoli confirmed he had intervened.

"I have directed the Department of Education to ensure the film is not shown during school hours," he said.

Mr Baird said he supported schools screening the film, but not during class.


"I understand the intent of that is to provide an example of tolerance and that's something I absolutely support," he said.

"Should it be in class time? No, I don't think so. Should it be optional? Yes, I do think so."


Message 29 of 232
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Gayby Baby

It really does not matter who objected to the film being shown.


Not only parents but the community at large has a right to object to anything that may happen in a school.

Most schools still have P & C Associations.....Parents and Citizens Associations where membership is not exclusive to parents of the students.


Message 30 of 232
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