George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

George Pell returns to court, prosecutors push for 'immediate' jail sentence for child sex abuse


to attempt to 'water down' this mand criminal sexual attack on children is disgusting.

sure argue hes old and frail (boo hoo)

but to say the act was 'vanilla'?

i heard on ABC radio the lawyer claimed any 'penitration' was les than 6 minutes so its on the lower end of offending.


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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

Honored Contributor

You're talking about Robert Richter, so 'nuff said.


What the heck does the length of time have to do with it?


Hope slimy Pell gets a decent incarceration term, not just a 'slap on the wrist' coupla months.


He wasn't old and frail when he committed these heinous acts.

Message 2 of 115
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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

He is a total piece of scum, as are his legal team   ..... hoping they all rot in Hell ( not that I believe in Hell )

Message 3 of 115
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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

It just reinforces what I think about religions as a whole ... in one word >>>>  "TOXIC".


What a pity that good people within these churches do suffer from those in power over them who feel entitled to do whatever they want to the detriment of the innocent, in particular, the children. 


The silence from the church goers themselves is deafening.  The roar of rage should have enveloped the planet.


According to the so called christian bible, the person of Jesus Christ apparently said "suffer the children to come unto me" ...  instead, churches have indeed made the children, and many adults, suffer. 



Message 4 of 115
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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

I thought he was one of the good ones being targeted for covering up whilst at the helm but appears he HAS done those things.

Extremely disappointed.


My father pointed out today that the victims get their guilty verdict so they don't need to be thought of as liars anymore. Most important.

And there is still so much good done by churches in general, that perhaps G. Pell and defence team have resorted to watering down for the sake of the good Catholics, a last act of doing the best out of a bad situation.


And I think there is truth to that, lets not be too sceptical but remain open.

He is a smart man and is accostomed to thinking about the bigger picture, realizes his errors but is prepared to do everything possible to soften the media affects on the devoted Catholic congregation.

Personally I think he has accepted his consequences and being now mostly guided by a legal team with instructions from the Catholic diacese to keep the faith in the Church. Afterall it is the few that spoil the important good being done.



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Message 5 of 115
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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

"He is a smart man and is accostomed to thinking about the bigger picture, realizes his errors but is prepared to do everything possible to soften the media affects on the devoted Catholic congregation.

Personally I think he has accepted his consequences and being now mostly guided by a legal team with instructions from the Catholic diacese to keep the faith in the Church. Afterall it is the few that spoil the important good being done"


I wish I could agree with that Kopes, I really do.  However, in my opinion, George Pell is one of hundreds of abusive vampires in that particular church, even according to its own written history which dictates that.


Only speaking for myself, I do not see George Pell as a repentant figure who now thinks of the "faithful" kindly and with benevolent sincerity for what he and many more of his cronies in long robes have done and still do.


Perhaps it is a healthy cynicism that is needed towards those kind of religious institutions in order to keep the faithful as well as even the non faithful safe from the kind of sociopathic and psychopathic figures at the top who demand obedience without empathy.


I find it so very sad for the countless millions involved in religions of all persuasions who end up injured and shattered by what they genuinely thought was reality and necessary in their lives.


The human condition shows that all good things can be achieved without the blackmail of religious powerhouses of control.


If there is a creator of all things universal, I can't even start to imagine it would approve of what carnage has been caused by humans on this little planet since inception.


Conversely, there are also countless people who are not driven by their religion, or any religions for that matter, to achieve marvellous and non destructive behaviours towards their fellow human beings, but they could still be seen to be 'spiritual' because they genuinely care about everyone around them, and act accordingly.

Message 6 of 115
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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

I won't say what I think should be done with this pos (and his team of scum)



Message 7 of 115
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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

Why George Pell's lawyer Robert Richter described his offending as 'plain vanilla'

Message 8 of 115
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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

Robert Richter gets paid a shipload of money to do his job.


And that's what he's doing.


I don't agree with what comes out of his mouth, but I wouldn't mind him as a lawyer

if I was in trouble.

Message 9 of 115
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Re: George Pell's lawyer is a shameful man.

I'm not sure you would actually want that lawyer under any circumstances Stawks.  The way he passed off what Pell did as "Vanilla" means that, as far as I am concerned, I wouldn't want to meet either of those men in broad daylight on the same side of the street.


The lawyer, in my opinion, is not unlike Pell himself to have likened that description to a crime so perversely criminal as that kind of attack on innocent children.



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