Gladys should have shut down earlier

NSW had a lot to learn from Victorians.  I wish them the best  but why did it take Gladys a month to realise that pussyfooting around this would do her no favors.


Now it looks like Morrison is throwing her under the bus too, as he does with everyone.

Message 1 of 286
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285 REPLIES 285

Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:



Haha I love it!  Whoever put that one together, a job well done! 




I loved the comments below,


Max Lawson
7 hours ago


Poor Bin Chicken. This is not the fame she's used to.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .

5 hours ago


Not so Teflon now, is she?
.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .


5 hours ago


Ibis Berebinchicken ๐Ÿ™‚


Keep them coming!

Message 32 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

I find calling a woman a โ€œbin chickenโ€ disrespectful, offensive, and rude. I donโ€™t think Ms Berejiklian acted quickly enough; nevertheless, that sort of nastiness is uncalled for.



I havenโ€™t viewed the linked video itself as I suspected it would be opprobrious.



Message 33 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

@4channel wrote:

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:



Haha I love it!  Whoever put that one together, a job well done! 




I loved the comments below,


Max Lawson
7 hours ago


Poor Bin Chicken. This is not the fame she's used to.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .

5 hours ago


Not so Teflon now, is she?
.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .


5 hours ago


Ibis Berebinchicken ๐Ÿ™‚


Keep them coming!


disappointing that someone who regularly prattles on about bullies on these boards would "love" comments that are clearly bullying in nature . . . and then encourage the posting of more of the same.


There is no excuse for being a cheerleader for that sort of online bullying . . . but not unexpected based on previous posting history of name calling.


Message 34 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

maybe they are drumming to a different beat - appeasement to commerce assuming vaccine uptake will save the day , like in Israel ..... 

Message 35 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

@countessalmirena wrote:
I find calling a woman a โ€œbin chickenโ€ disrespectful, offensive, and rude. I donโ€™t think Ms Berejiklian acted quickly enough; nevertheless, that sort of nastiness is uncalled for.



I can understand people having views on politicians and their relationship with certain big profit-driven businessmen and businesswomen. I guess with that connection comes a name or two. Himmm, Max Lawson may have been quite naughty in saying that. OK, naughty Max Lawson for calling her that.  I  think I like the "Teflon" one by Bruce better.




@countessalmirena wrote:


I havenโ€™t viewed the linked video itself as I suspected it would be opprobrious.




The clip is quite well done. I've come to enjoy some of the stuff that myoclon1cjerk finds for us in recent times. Kudos to myoclon1cjerkfor that effort.

Message 36 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

@countessalmirena wrote:

I find calling a woman a โ€œbin chickenโ€ disrespectful, offensive, and rude. I donโ€™t think Ms Berejiklian acted quickly enough; nevertheless, that sort of nastiness is uncalled for.



I haven't seen the video either but would agree.

It seems to me that it is a difficult time to be a top politician because you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Things sometimes go wrong, life isn't perfect, but I don't think any of the politicians wanted the current situation.


What I am finding interesting is how attitudes can change. Roll us back to last year in Melb where we were in lockdown and numbers finally started to drop. My friend in USA admired our effort. She was worried about rising numbers in Wis and wished the politicians in US would be more proactive but it was a dog's breakfast  over there, with even mask wearing becoming a hot potato politically.


Fast forward to now. The numbers in US have not significantly fallen they are still getting massive rises in numbers every day, mainly amongst the young, but my friend tells me life has returned to normal. I have some facebook friends in USA who post photos and  it certainly backs that up, fairs, street parades, people at tourist places, hardly a mask in sight.

My friend in Wisconsin is now a lot more silent on the issue but I get the feeling she isn't so sure now that US took the wrong stance.


And who is to say? We have had much lower death rates, we, even here in Vic, had a glorious 7 month stretch of practically no covid around and only a minor hiccup in Feb. We are in the enviable position of the end in sight to some extent, we can vaccinate and avoid the worst results of the types of outbreaks of last year.

Just harping on past errors of politicians isn't always helpful. Criminal negligence is one thing but mistakes in judgement that show up best in hindsight, that's a bit different.




Message 37 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

I basically agree with you. However, a Government that didn't learn from past mistakes is concerning, especially when lives are being lost nearly every day. I've noticed the world-wide reporting on Covid has changed. It seems the price of a human life lost to the virus has lowered. I think it is inevitable that we will have to live with the virus for a long time. But some countries are choosing to do so too early IMO. I hope we continue to try and keep our Governments in line and focus on the correct priorities. We should not allow those with political aspirations that are self-directed to determine the fate and destiny of the people.

Message 38 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

Political manoeuvring has been too much in the eye of those making health decisions world-wide.


I agree; our government must learn from past mistakes. Any government in the world who hasn't learnt from past mistakes (and every government has made at least some) is going to leave the population vulnerable to the consequences of those mistakes.


What's happening in Brazil right now is down to a bull-headed and ineffective president. Bolsonaro just does not take health advice. He honestly seems to have thought that herd immunity would bulwark the Brazilian people. The people of Brazil have paid and continue to pay a shocking price for his stance... and Bolsonaro does not seem to have learned a single thing.

Covid-19 pandemic: 'Everything you should not do, Brazil has done'

As of 9 July 2021: โMore than half a million Brazilians have died with Covid-19, the second highest death toll worldwide, behind only the United States. Experts here predict their country is on course to overtake the US. โž

As of today: 20,528,099 cases, 573,658 deaths. The cases and deaths are almost certainly massively underreported. Worse, the Delta variant has started to move in Brazil, and we know that's going to trigger another wave.


And don't get me started on Sweden... another government refusing to learn from past mistakes.

In spite of some government mistakes in Australia, we've seen the health advice largely being followed... although I still find it unfathomable that there wasn't an earlier realisation of the role of aerosol transmission. That's changed now, becoming more obvious with Delta, and credit where credit's due - the Australian health advice has changed and the government response has changed with it regarding airborne infection risk.


I 100% agree with you re โI think it is inevitable that we will have to live with the virus for a long time. But some countries are choosing to do so too early IMO.โž Yes... we've got to get case numbers down, down, down.

Message 39 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

Gladys ducks and weaves everyday in front of the press. Blames everyone for her incompetence. Meanwhile, Scott is pressuring the states to re-open in the hope it will aid him and his corrupt cronies get re-elected. He cites the magic figure of 70%-80% of the adult population being vaccinated as the way forward to re-opening the country/economy. In the U.K. where 77% of the adult population is vaccinated, between 100-120 people are dying every day from covid. Adjusting for the population difference, Scott is happy to see about 350 Australians die every week so he can grace us with his incompetence and corruption for another 3 years.

Message 40 of 286
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