Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

Community Member

'World doing just fine; Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists


The latest verdict is in on 'climate change' - and the news is good. The planet is greening, the oceans are blooming, food production is up, animals are thriving and humans are doing better than ever: and all thanks to CO2 and global warming.


So say the authors of the latest Climate Change Reconsidered report by the NIPCC - that's the Non-Governmental International Panel on Climate Change, an independent research body funded by the Heartland Institute.


The scientific team, led by atmospheric physicist Fred Singer, geographer and agronomist Craig Idso, research physicist Sherwood B. Idso and marine geologist Bob Carter, has assessed the peer-reviewed evidence and reached a conclusion somewhat different from the scaremongering narrative which has been promoted in the last week by the IPCC and its amen corner in the mainstream media: reports of the planet's imminent demise have been somewhat exaggerated; in fact we're doing just fine.


Here are their latest report's key findings.


Biological Impacts

Atmospheric CO2 is not a pollutant and is greening the planet. Far from damaging food production it is helping to increase it, as are rising temperatures. Ecosystems are thriving and rising CO2 levels and temperatures pose no significant threat to aquatic life. Global warming will have a negligible effect on human morbidity and the spread of infectious diseases but will, on balance, be beneficial because cold is a deadlier threat to the human species than warmth.


CO2, Plants And Soil

Numerous studies show that CO2 is good for plants, increasing their growth-rate, reducing their reliance on water and making them less vulnerable to stress. Increased CO2 has resulted in reduced topsoil erosion, has encouraged beneficial bacteria, and improved aerial fertilization - creating more plantlife which will help sequester the carbon apparently of so much concern to environmentalists.


Plant Characteristics

Rising CO2 will improve plant growth, development and yield. It enables plants to produce more - and larger - flowers, thus increasing productivity. It also helps plants grow more disease-resistant.


Earth's Vegetative Future

Rising CO2 has led to a greening of the planet. Agricultural production has increased dramatically across the globe in the last three decades, partly because of new technologies but partly also because of the beneficial warmth and increased CO2.


Terrestrial Animals

There is little if any evidence to support the IPCC's predictions of species extinction which are based mainly on computer models rather than hard data. Amphibian populations will suffer little, if any, harm. Bird populations  may have been affected by habitat loss - but not by "climate change" to which they are more than capable of adapting. Polar bears have survived periods climatic change considerably more extreme than the ones currently being experienced. Butterflies, insects, reptiles and mammals tend on balance to proliferate rather than be harmed by "climate change."


Aquatic Life

Multiple studies from multiple oceanic regions confirm that productivity - from phytoplankton and microalgae to corals, crustaceans and fish - tends to increase with temperature. Some experts predict coral calcification will increase by about 35 per cent beyond pre-industrial levels by 2100, with no extinction of coral reefs. Laboratory studies predicting lower PH levels - "ocean acidification" - fail to capture the complexities of the real world and often contradict observations in nature.


Human Health

Warmer temperatures result in fewer deaths associated with cardiovascular disease, respiratory illness and strokes. In the US a person who dies of cold loses on average in excess of ten years of life, whereas someone who dies from heat loses likely no more than a few days or weeks of life. Between 3 and 7 per cent of the gains in longevity in the US in the last three decades are the result of people moving to warmer states. There is a large body of evidence to suggest that the spread of malaria will NOT increase as a result of global warming. Rising CO2 is increasing the nutritional value of food with consequent health benefits for humans.


The report concludes:

The impact of rising temperatures and higher atmospheric CO2 levels in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries has not been anything like what IPCC would have us believe and its forecasts differ wildly from those sound science would suggest.


Either IPCC's authors purposely ignore this research because it runs counter to their thesis that any human impact on climate must be bad and therefore stopped at any cost or they are inept and have failed to conduct a proper and full scientific investigation of the pertinent literature.


Either way, IPCC is misleading the scientific community, policymakers and the general public. Because the stakes are high this is a grave disservice.



Message 1 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

this thread is worthless without pics.gif




positive proof of global warming.jpg

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 2 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

Thanks for posting the Heartland Institutes name at the top of that article,Nero.You've just saved me a couple of minutes.Life's too short to be wasting it on bs.:)
Message 3 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

Heartland Institute, from Wackjob Illinois.

Yes indeed, they are a credible source.  Who paid for this ? Their mates Philip Morris ?

Smiley LOL

prostate cancer ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos
Message 4 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists


This article is part of the Center for Media & Democracy's spotlight onfront groups and corporate spin.

The Heartland Institute, according to the Institute's web site, is a nonprofit "think tank" that questions the reality and import of climate change, second-hand smoke health hazards, and a host of other issues that might seem to require government regulation. A July 2011 Nature editorial points out the group's lack of credibility:

"Despite criticizing climate scientists for being overconfident about their data, models and theories, the Heartland Institute proclaims a conspicuous confidence in single studies and grand interpretations....makes many bold assertions that are often questionable or misleading.... Many climate sceptics seem to review scientific data and studies not as scientists but as attorneys, magnifying doubts and treating incomplete explanations as falsehoods rather than signs of progress towards the truth. ... The Heartland Institute and its ilk are not trying to build a theory of anything. They have set the bar much lower, and are happy muddying the waters."[1]


Message 5 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

Community Member

Its no more non creditable than the bs that's posted on here (reams and ream and reams and reams and reams and reams and reams and reams of it).


Go and play on the warmongers thread if another opinion is not wanted.

Message 6 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

a tobbacco lobby group hired by the koch bros to safeguard their energy interests is not credible sf sorry Smiley Happy

Message 7 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

@silverfaun wrote:

Its no more non creditable than the bs that's posted on here (reams and ream and reams and reams and reams and reams and reams and reams of it).


Go and play on the warmongers thread if another opinion is not wanted.

As usual long on personal invective, short on cogent argument, singularly lacking in "gorm."

Message 8 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

you poor alarmists are so funny


the world has woken up to the con that you have all pushed and the world is moving on, the alarmists haventg....


but keep on trying as its all rather funny



Message 9 of 66
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Re: Global Warming is Good; CO2 is our friend' say Scientists

I agree with you Sarah .As the days go by  some of these Skeptic Alarmists get funnier and  funnier Woman LOL

Message 10 of 66
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