Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Harvey Weinstein: Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie join flood of allegations; Hillary Clinton 'appalled'




What is it with women?


NOW your saying all these things about the guy?


Where were you before the S**T hit the fan?


not saying hes not a creep, just i hate when AFTER someone gets outed then they come out of the woodwork saying "yes, i know hes a really bad man"


its like Bill Cosby and Rolf Harris all over again.


any "STAR" who now comes out and says they knew of this guys sexual power trips before he was sacked and it hit the the front pages has no credibility IMO!

Message 1 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!


It's attitudes like yours, that actually PREVENT victims of sexual harrassment / sexual abuse / bullying / physical abuse, from coming forward and making statements.

There is something about  safety in numbers i guess......


So what if they're coming out now...... Better late than never!!


Good on them I say. Good on them!!

String the mongrel up by the cahooties and rid this world of him and his like minded buddies!! 

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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 31 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

I think by "the cahooties" might be stretching it a bit far. However, I do hope his lawyers and others with a vested interest do not intimidate the women to back off. Producers and other famous actors have been doing this for decades. But now the social attitude is a little different and it's time to question if it is proper and should be tolerated because of who they are.

Message 32 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

@janeababe wrote:


It's attitudes like yours, that actually PREVENT victims of sexual harrassment / sexual abuse / bullying / physical abuse, from coming forward and making statements.

There is something about  safety in numbers i guess......


So what if they're coming out now...... Better late than never!!


Good on them I say. Good on them!!

String the mongrel up by the cahooties and rid this world of him and his like minded buddies!! 

I feel the need to defend David because his views have enrichened this discussion IMO. I think he is coming from the position that some of the people coming out of the woodwork may not be behaving with full honesty. I, for example am choosing to view them as being truthful. I suspect some of the women are genuine victims while others may be joining in to get a share of the limelight. It's smart to be alert to this possibility.

Message 33 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

@not_for_sale2017 wrote:


While I am interested in this topic, I am struggling to understand some of the issues being raised. Is it being suggested that people who are speaking up now should shut up if they didn't put up at the time? And is there a view that sexual harassment or intimidation must involve physical contact i.e. be overt not covert? Some people have killed themselves because of bullying and harassment and nobody touched them!


Or am I totally off track?

No you're not off track but whether we like it or not, sexual harrassment is just an area like any other, where people can lie or exaggerate or cover up. And there are various degrees of it from just a little bit suggestive, enough to make a person a bit uncomfortable, to full on assault ,coercion & rape.

I've no doubt a lot of the people speaking up now are telling the truth but there is every possibility some other rising stars might jump on the bandwagon & exaggerate  some encounters just for the publicity. Cynical? maybe. But if some of them were prepared to put up with some of his advances for the sake of their careers then why wouldn't some try for a bit of limelight now as well? Especially if there is any money in it.


I was interested to read about the 2013 Academy Awards.

The crowd reaction to 2013 Academy Awards host Seth MacFarlanes one-liner about the best actress nominees, about whom he quips: Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.


The audience laughed, but Seth MacFarlane was obviously in the know.

I think all of us have heard about the 'casting couch'. This man wasn't the only one to use his power that way or it would not have become such a cliche.


I saw on TV he was saying he hoped for a 'second chance'. What he means is he thought he was entitled to use his power that way & now he's shocked to find it all coming back to bite him. Why should he be given any more 'chances' than the likes of Rolf Harris though?

Message 34 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

springyzone wrote:


I was interested to read about the 2013 Academy Awards.

The crowd reaction to 2013 Academy Awards host Seth MacFarlanes one-liner about the best actress nominees, about whom he quips: Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.


There is the crux of all the stories. Yes, we have all heard about the casting couch, even long before TV came into every household. Now the media will pounce on any bit of scandal they can find about prominent people.


How long have those women pretended to like Harvey?


Rolf Harris and Harvey Weinstein are not the only ones, but they were bigwigs and world reknown. There are corporate executives, politicians and right down to small private business owners who play this game in return for a job or job promotion. Nobody talks about them, it's not newsworthy enough.


And what about Donald Trump? It was mentioned how he treated young women on his Reality shows The Aprentis and all the Beauty Pageants he staged. Walking into the changing room when most of the girls were half naked and just having conversations while the girls had to change. Making derogatory remarks about the look of some of their anatomy, slapping backsides and groping some behind the stage.


Nobody made a fuss about his behaviour, even though some well known actresses and singers openly criticised him.

I bet there are a dozen women from other countries who could tell some sordid stories about him when he was running the Beauty Pageanys.


Want your name in the news? Want free publicity? Get involved in a scandle.

Yes, I am cynical.



Message 35 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Harvey Weinstein's former personal assistant Rowena Chiu watches sexual assault trial she never had




these poor women too weak to fight the advances of this slimy hollywood producer.

lock him away forever

we must protect grown women who cant say 'NO'

who cant bring themselves to say 'i didnt sign up for this'

who cant make a rational decision to 'quit, walk away'


yep, 'my career is more important than my well being' is the message.

Message 36 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Community Member
She was forced to sign a non disclosure agreement and she did give up her career to get away from him.
Unless I didn't understand the words that I read in that article
Message 37 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

@martinw-48 wrote:
She was forced to sign a non disclosure agreement and she did give up her career to get away from him.
Unless I didn't understand the words that I read in that article

how do you force someone to sign anything?


usually you sign a non disclosure when both parties agree to a settlement.

was there a settlement?


client A agrees to pay client B X $s but client B agrees not to make public the reasons why.

Message 38 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Harvey Weinstein convicted of sexual assault, facing 25 years in jail, but acquitted of being a serial predator




hardly the result i was expecting, guilty of just 2 counts


over 80 women came forward giving stories of his evil doings

Message 39 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Oh please. They bonked him to get into showbusiness. Now they're playing the victim. It's all quid pro quo on the casting lounge.


Doesn't meant the man's not a sleaze.

Message 40 of 44
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