I just received a speeding fine

For being between 10 and 20 km over the speed limit.

Fine, and 3 demerit points




The notice came be email from the State Debt Recovery Office.


Who would have thought my poor old clanger was capable of such speed. Smiley LOL



People, if you get one of these emails, just delete it, it's a scam. Infringement notices or debt recovery notices are not sent out via email



Message 1 of 9
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Re: I just received a speeding fine

Funny, I have also received that email.  Went straight into the trash.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 2 of 9
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Re: I just received a speeding fine

Makes you wonder where they get you email address from. I signed up for a free trial of an SMS broadcasting service yesterday. It's cloud based. I really don't trust this cloud stuff.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: I just received a speeding fine

It's cloud based. I really don't trust this cloud stuff.



why would you? 

Message 4 of 9
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Re: I just received a speeding fine

I received a speeding fine too  ... just under 25 km over the speed limit. Yes I know. Bad kitty. My first speed fine in decades. Late at night coming home from work, no traffic, didn't realise how fast I was going, had a shocker of a shift at work. When the policeman pulled me over he asked if I had a good reason for speeding. I showed him my security pass and said I had a reason but it wasn't a good one. He gave me a ticket of course. A big one. My kids gave me the biggest lecture. They said I was lucky the cop didn't cut up my drivers licence there and then.



Oh. Yours was a scam.


As you were people. Nothing to see here.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: I just received a speeding fine

My daughter got one of those................she was excited about how she could possibly have been in Canberra at midnight, when she was sleeping and ready to be at work in Brisbane at 9am. Woman LOL

Message 6 of 9
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Re: I just received a speeding fine


Message 7 of 9
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Re: I just received a speeding fine

These scams are getting more elaborate all the time, it's a pity the people behind them don't use their time and energy on something worthwhile. As to actual speeding fines I haven't had one since 1991. I find looking at the speedo every now and then works wonders
Message 8 of 9
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Re: I just received a speeding fine

I remember thinking it was quite funny a few years ago when I read in the paper that a couple of 14 year old boys had set  up some elaborate scam where they waited at a one way street where a lot of the locals went the wrong way and faked fines and attached  them to the car  ..they made a fortune and only got caught when they left one of their fines on the windshield of an off duty cop visiting the area.It was realy very clever of them to be giving fines to people who were actualy guilty of an offence so did not think to question it,just sent the money to a PO box

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