It's happened again in France

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Re: It's happened again in France

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Re: It's happened again in France

The SMH thinks it's a trucking accident.


Nice, France: Dozens killed, hundreds injured as truck drives into Bastille Day Crowd.


I wonder if the French authorities should investigate the driving school that produced this driver. I look forward to the Sydney Moring Herald follow-up story.



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Re: It's happened again in France


very sad

Message 4 of 12
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Re: It's happened again in France

I don't think it was an accident. the account I read said the driver had a gun and was firing into the crowd and the truck was found to be full of ammunition and explosives.  It's probably best to wait for official confirmation before taking any of that as gospel though.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: It's happened again in France

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I don't think it was an accident. the account I read said the driver had a gun and was firing into the crowd and the truck was found to be full of ammunition and explosives.  It's probably best to wait for official confirmation before taking any of that as gospel though.

Umm, obviously tongue-in-cheek?



look at the footage, listen to the reports: theres already official confirmation.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: It's happened again in France

@youcandoityoucandoityoucandoit wrote:

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I don't think it was an accident. the account I read said the driver had a gun and was firing into the crowd and the truck was found to be full of ammunition and explosives.  It's probably best to wait for official confirmation before taking any of that as gospel though.

Umm, obviously tongue-in-cheek?



look at the footage, listen to the reports: theres already official confirmation.

My bad Man LOL I assumed Village Person was telling the truth when he/she said the SMH thought it was an accident. I've now read that reporrt and realise it never suggested anything of the kind.

My comment about wating for confirmation referred to the details. - explosives found in the truck etc.  fFrst reports are often less than accurate - remember the "three snipers and triangulated attack' and the innocent guy whose photograph was plastered all over the news as 'a suspect' after the Dallas shootings.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: It's happened again in France

I was going to suggest to hang him by the nearest tree but unfortunately he didn't suffer by the looks of it.


I know it's an awful thing to say but I'm losing my tolerance for the innocent being targeted, especially children.

image host
Message 8 of 12
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Re: It's happened again in France

It is only going to get worse I suspect. I heard an expert on terrorism saying its a method suggested in an ISIS magazine a few years ago. 

Only change was the original suggestion's was to attach carving knives to the tyres to catch more victims. just beggar's belief that anyone can condone any violence so savage in the name of  religion.  

Im always amazed when reading of The Australians who have joined ISIS that they seem to be an assortment of drug dealers,pimps,standover men and rapists and yet they claim to be religious.  It convinces me they are nothing but psychopaths.

I heard earlier ISIS were claiming responsibility, .not sure if that's confirmed 

Message 9 of 12
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Re: It's happened again in France

It's not about religion, it's about using religion for power and getting ingenuous mugs to do your dirty work.


Not a monoply of Islamic radicals either. Most Christian sects have utilised it in the past. Deep, dark past - The IRA, Waco 1993, Oklahoma 1995. Not so far in the past, hey?


The only real difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christianity is 700 years older and has worked out religious oppression doesn't work. Sorta, some still harbour hopes.

Message 10 of 12
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