Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

Khaled Sharrouf was born in Australia, as was his wife. Do (did)  either of them have dual citizenship and do his children have dual citizenship? If they don't, how can the Government strip them of their Australian citizenship and  refuse them re-entry to Australia?

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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

She-ele, I wonder if anyone has asked the people concerned if they even want to return to Australia?

In any event, on what terms could their return ever be negotiated (with ISIS) ?



Message 81 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

@iapetus_rocks wrote:

She-ele, I wonder if anyone has asked the people concerned if they even want to return to Australia?

In any event, on what terms could their return ever be negotiated (with ISIS) ?



To be honest, I have wondered the same thing myself. It is unlikely ISIS would allow their return and it may also be the case that Ms Sharrouf has no intention of returning or allowing her children to return to Australia.  But that is not what my OP was about - it asked whether, supposing they have only Australian citizenship, the Australian Government has a legal right to refuse them re-entry, and if there is no legal right, what kind of a precedent will be set if we allow the government to act outside the law? 

Message 82 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

From the ABC news site:


The legislation would see people automatically renounce their citizenship under section 33 of the Citizenship Act if they engage in terrorist acts, training, recruiting or financing inside or outside Australia.


The new section 35 would see citizenship automatically cease if a person serves a declared terrorist organisation overseas, or is found guilty of offences including treason, espionage, terrorism and foreign incursions. . . .


A proposal to strip Australians without another nationality of their citizenship was raised in an extensively leaked Cabinet meeting but pushed into a discussion paper.


"We will have more to say on this subject in the months to come," Mr Abbott told Seven.




The answer to your question in the OP is that our govt can't refuse Australian citizens entry to Australia. Their citizenship may be revoked if they are dual nationals under certain circumstances (automatically, in some cases).


For those who have only Australian citizenship; they're waiting on Mr Abbott to see what "more he has to say on this subject".





Message 83 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

Our govt cannot act outside the law, though they might wriggle and twist and introduce new laws and/or amend old laws which then allow them to achieve their objectives.



Message 84 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

@iapetus_rocks wrote:

She-ele, I wonder if anyone has asked the people concerned if they even want to return to Australia?

In any event, on what terms could their return ever be negotiated (with ISIS) ?





"My daughter made the mistake of a lifetime. Today she is a parent alone in a foreign and vicious land looking after a widowed 14-year-old and four other young children."


"They want to come home. Our country is a country of many faiths and backgrounds," she said.


Sharrouf’s wife Tara Nettleton is trying to leave Syria and bring her five children back to Sydney.


Message 85 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

Heres a plan then. Let them all back into Australia. The kids must be removed from their mother and crazy grandmother and, really, they all need to be completely seperated from eachother.

So the kids go into foster care and see a shrink twice a week for a few years. All the time they are getting angrier and angrier at the country that they have been taught to hate and the country that tore their family apart.

Yeh, im sure they will grow up to be model citizens.


These kids were taught to torture and rape. I certainly dont want them anywhere near my kids.


They cannot be allowed to come back

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 86 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Khaled Sharrouf was born in Australia, as was his wife. Do (did)  either of them have dual citizenship and do his children have dual citizenship? If they don't, how can the Government strip them of their Australian citizenship and  refuse them re-entry to Australia?

We don't need or want this sort of filth in this country. Leave her and her children where they are. They will not be stateless because IS is in the process of creating a state.

Message 87 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

Deliciously dystopian.

Thank you. 🙂

Message 88 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

I really think the question of their return is academic. Do you believe that ISIS will let them go free to return?


So far, we have the gradmother telling us that her daughter and grandchildren wish to return. That's not quite the same as hearing it directly.



Message 89 of 118
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Re: Khaled Sharrouf's Children.

I really think the question of their return is academic. Do you believe that ISIS will let them go free to return?



quite a few of them have come back.

mainly back to britain.  


somehow they were able to communicate

with their families wanting to come home

because they had to clean toilets etc.


how did they manage that?



Message 90 of 118
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