Olivia Newton John is ‘clinging to life’

Honored Contributor

Olivia Newton John's prognosis is grim with reports out of the US saying she is only hanging on to see daughter Chloe Lattanzi marry.


"Olivia's bodily functions appear to be shutting down, but she refuses to let go until she makes it through Chloe's wedding day!" a source told media site RadarOnline.com.


Others close to the 70-year-old Australian icon have confirmed that her prognosis is now "weeks not months", but Olivia is determined to see her daughter Chloe, 32, walk down the aisle with long-time partner James Driskill.


She is also committed to spending her final days at the ranch she shares with husband John Easterling in Santa Barbara, California. And it's believed Chloe and James will bring forward their wedding date with plans to marry very shortly at the ranch.


Woman's Day recently ran an exclusive heartfelt tribute penned by Chloe, in which she talks of her immense love for her mum and how they are facing this latest cancer battle together.


"There is no instruction manual on how to deal with all of this, and still today Mum and I find it very difficult to talk about what she is going through," Chloe wrote.


"But my mum has taught me the power of positive thinking and enjoying every moment. We both try to protect each other. Mum stays positive and I do my best to stay positive, too."


Olivia was first diagnosed with cancer – breast cancer - in 1992 and was famously open about her mastectomy and nine months of chemotherapy.


Cancer returned for a second time in 2013, but this time she decided to keep her diagnosis private.


After treatment, the tumour shrunk and everyone was hopeful. But in 2017, cancer was found in Olivia's lower back - again her outlook was positive.


"You know, there are other people out there doing much, much worse than me," she said in an interview on Channel 7's Sunday Night.


"And, I'm a very privileged person, and I'm very aware of that. I live in this beautiful place. I have a wonderful husband. I have all the animals that I adore. I have an incredible career. I have nothing, really, to complain about."


According to Chloe, her mother remains positive and is even looking forward to becoming a grandma.


"Mum can't wait for us to get married and one day be a grandma," she wrote in Woman's Day.


"Having a baby has been on my mind a lot lately, and when I'm ready I know Mum will be the best support system.


"We've been through a lot together, but not a day goes by when I'm not happy and proud to call her my mum."


Weeks now, not months.     Very sad.    I hope this is 'fake news'



Message 1 of 16
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Re: Olivia Newton John is ‘clinging to life’

If looks like BS and reads like BS, it prob IS BS    ....... thought you would have picked up on that one much sooner, Stalker

Message 11 of 16
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Re: Olivia Newton John is ‘clinging to life’

Well, I didn't wanna believe it, but she is battling cancer for the third(?) time.


If it keeps coming back, it's gunna get you eventually, is my opinion.


Pleased to hear she's doing fine.

Message 12 of 16
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Re: Olivia Newton John is ‘clinging to life’

Thats why I never read that carp    ..... 

Message 13 of 16
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Re: Olivia Newton John is ‘clinging to life’

Her career was all downhill from here


Olivia Newton-John & Pat Carroll on Time For Terry (1968)



Message 14 of 16
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Re: Olivia Newton John is ‘clinging to life’

I neither like or dislike her, but personally I'm not all that keen of her singing, she always sounds strained to me    ..... not my type of singer but each to their own

Message 15 of 16
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Re: Olivia Newton John is ‘clinging to life’

it was a cheap headline grabbing story, like 'click bait' on youtube.

put something there to get the punters in.


even the big boys fall for it sometimes.


been the odd opologies for printing deaths when there has been none.

i think either the queen or prince philip were anounced dead last year and it was obviously not true.


never let the truth get in the way of a story right

Message 16 of 16
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