Pell compares priests to truckers

He really did say this:

"If a driver sexually assaulted a passenger they picked up along the way,  I don't think it appropriate for the … leadership of that company be held responsible.''


Comparing children attending church to hitchhikers?!!!!!!!!!!!  Cat Surprised


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 1 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

So were priests involved all from the one parish?

Message 41 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

(((Jean))) so sorry this happened to you ...

Pell's lack of compassion has frightened me for many years.
Message 42 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

reply to channysmum who said at beg of this thread:

I didn't go to the link, however, it is in my opinion the responsibility lies on the person performing the deed, unless they are ordered to do so. By this I mean soldiers killing soldiers etc.


I someone uses your computer to watch kiddy porn and goes out and assualts a child is it your fault. You allowed that person to use your computer.


I will assume that you said no. 


Therefore if a priest/teacher/scout leader/etc uses the premises to procure a child, why then is it the fault of the owner of the premises.



I take challenge with your analogy sorry if I offend or rile you.

I went to a Catholic girl's high school, I am not a Catholic. My brother was also subjected to abuse from an Anglican moron, when my bro was vulnerable, trusting environ etc and I have only recently discovered this. I witnessed the aftermath of one of my close school girlfriends that was sexually molested by a Catholic priest, the nuns knew what a moron this guy was yet continued his attack and abuse on several girls. On finding my gf sobbing and shaking uncontrollably after being over at this efftards church, as instructed by the nuns, to 'assist setting up the alter for mass' I asked my gf what was the prob etc.....she told me exactly what the creep was cut a long story short I told her to always refuse to go unless 2 others went with her, she said that she had been with 2 other girls but when they got to the church rectumary that this moron instructed the other 2 girls to stay out in the church main and 'get busy' doing whatever-leaving my gf alone with him in the 'back' rooms.My gf lived with her Dad and was seperated from her Mum back then. I told her to tell her Auntie but this was refused as her aunt was a devout Catholic (which she was) and my gf was correct in her assumption that no-one close would believe her. So as innocent 13 yr olds we strategised how to keep my gf away from this slime.He used to ask when their Birthday's were too!.....not selecting any girls that had already turned 14. This creep used to 'visit' our classes on ev wednesday mornings we were in year 8, or 1st year back in 1970-and he used to smell of red wine and alcohol even at 9.00am in the mornings-he was pist as a rotten piece of flake! He looked flushed and sweaty even on a cold morning. 2 nuns used to flank him as he went from room to room 'selecting' girls..... We were all innocents-I even remember once putting up my hand, before I realised what he was doing-to volunteer to help set-up. Catholacism and rituals during mass esp fascinated me!!I was always rejected (even told twice that I would not go to Heaven because I was not worthy as I was not of the true religion and not recognised my Our Father ....etc ....etc 2 other Anglican girls and 1 Greek Orthodox in my class , we were all told to stand up and told all this **bleep**e in front of the rest of the girls, yes!!) When this creep priest went from class to class ev wednesday morning 'culling' our young flesh, I noticed how the mood changed in our class rooms and how the girls physically cringed on his arrival at both the school and more so into our room. The nuns sometimes called out to the class to turn their eyes to the front of the room and even to look upon this creep .....he usually (thick Irish accent) used to ask for a show of hands to see which girls had been to confession and which ones hadn't....yeah?! I tell no lies.

.....obviously this was some precurser for determining his flesh'selection'. He used to fondle and caress and slobber and basically sexually grope for his own satisfaction. ......I will not devulge about my bro as this is before the Royal Commission for Abuse atm.

This is NOT about computers or kiddy porn.


This is about knowing about criminal activity, lack of Duty of Care by THE OTHER WITNESSING ADULTS. a known CRIM against minors IN THEIR CARE.




footnote: the 'priest' that abused my gf died a painful, unpleasant death from liver cancer - he was an alcoholic. Good things happen sometimes.

Message 43 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

and....this is first time I have ever said/revealed this to anyone. I was approached by same nun at this same school, twice. First time she got me to stay after school and meet her in the drama room alone. She grabbed me and embraced me......telling me that I needed to learn how to embrace as part of the character part (I had a male lead part in a school play....and the end I had to kiss my wife. I and other girl decided that we would kiss on side of mouth on the final night! But not till then LOL!)....I fought and struggled to get away from this fat penguin!......ran for the door and grabbed my bag on the way through calling back 'got to go sorry Sister or I will miss my bus!' *sheesh. She had another go at me during a school camp. I refused to share a room with her and three other 'seriously different girls' that she had had under her wing for a few years. One of these girls revealed after she left school that she was a lesbian. Good on her no offence taken , each to their own I say BUT often wonder if this nun encouraged this girls' and others sexual preferences by her sexual contact and abuse.


These nuns were all really stuffed in the head IMO! Several were loopy in retrospect.

Message 44 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

I am stunned by all of this.  The schools and orphanages were holding captives. 


To paintsew and Jean, and others, I respect you and your fight and the intestinal fortitude you have in sharing your pain.






Message 45 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

Thank you LL. I am angry, very very angry. I stopped going to Church a long time ago because of all this. My faith in both Catholic church and Anglican Church has had an ice cold bucket of water sluiced over them both. I constantly question my worthiness in praying to God, whom I used to believe in so strongly- because of my guilt about this too. It is horrible. I feel like a victim I guess. I know I have done absolutely nothing wrong but this is how I feel.

I got married in the Church though.

I had my children Christened and Baptised but was loathe to encourage them to go to Church or engage in any Church activities because I have totally lost trust in the Churches.

I have had nightmares where I track these men and women down and strip them and stick them with hot pokers and refuse to give them mercy. This is not like me in real life at all.

I am not angry with God or hold him accountable but I do hold the Church hierarchy's to blame. The human witnesses hold positions of superior power-evil and bad IMO.

Thank you for your kind words of supportSmiley Happy

Message 46 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers


Of course you've done nothing wrong, and I'm glad you know it.

The clergy who have abused children, and those who have covered up for them are the ones who should be feeling guilty and unworthy.
Message 47 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

But they don't as they do not come forward, do they? None willingly come forward and even apologise do they. If you want an apology you have to write to the Church and request an apology from a Bishop.....then he can either send you a letter or meet you to apologise.....I mean when is THAT an 'apology'?!



Yes, ref " those who have covered up for them are the ones who should be feeling guilty and unworthy. ..." which in my BIBLE is ALL of them....every last member in a position representing these Churches is GUILTY in my eyes and mind. Every last one of them.


Message 48 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

thanks all. After giving evidence I was told that the actions involved came within the legal definition of torture. This started when I was 7 and ceased when I left at 15. It colours your entire life. Paints please tell your brother that he can trust the Commission. They have heard so much that nothing surprises them.
Message 49 of 56
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Re: Pell compares priests to truckers

Thanks jean. I am sobbing right now actually. I am so appreciative of evryone here who is reading this and I am so glad that I have been able to say what has happened,,,because this has all been bottled up inside for so long. This discussion board is a true Heaven I tell you and you people are what make a true fellowshipHeart

Message 50 of 56
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