Pet industry should be shut down




Of the 131,525 animals received nationally by the RSPCA for the 2011-2012 financial year, 49,688 had to be euthanised based on infectious, medical, behavioural, legal and other circumstances.


It is estimated that local councils shoot about the same number.


Animal shelter figures are harder to come by.


At least 150,000 animals slaughtered all in the name of companionship each year in Australia.


 Roaming cats continue to be blooded using our natural wildlife as live baits........ many many many of them eat rats


and mice  alive while others keep the same tortured animals ie. rats and mice as pets.



The companion animal industry needs to be closed down .....shame shame shame......


Tarring all pet owners with the same brush...... How does that feel???


atheism is a non prophet organization
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Pet industry should be shut down


An interesting PDF and extrapolation


In NSW 2009/2010 year 24,709 dogs and 32,475 cats were reported euthanased (approx 57,000).


Of that combined number approximately 45,000 of them were healthy but killed because they were surplus to "pet"




The numbers of pets euthenased privately for that year ????



atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 2 of 102
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Pet industry should be shut down

Many elderly and disabled people are isolated from the community and have little real meaningul contact with others. For many, their pets are their only companionship. Pets dont judge their owners on looks, social ability, ethnicity or the funny way they walk. These people regularly dote on their pets ensuring they recieve constant attention and are cared for in the best possible way.


Why should these people be condemned to a life of solitude and loneliness, due to the thoughtless actions of a minority ?  

Message 3 of 102
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Pet industry should be shut down



It's the same reason that 14000 registered NSW Greyhound trainers will have their animals taken away....... Two of the


14,000 have been found guilty of live baiting.


Pet/companion animal owners.... all tarred with the same brush

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 4 of 102
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Pet industry should be shut down

@colic2bullsgirlore wrote:



It's the same reason that 14000 registered NSW Greyhound trainers will have their animals taken away....... Two of the


14,000 have been found guilty of live baiting.


Pet/companion animal owners.... all tarred with the same brush

its not the 2 live baiting culprets thats destroying the greyhound racing industry, stop being blind to the real problem.


its the thousands of puppys being bread as racing dogs who have no other purpose for being born, then are mostly destroyed before the age of 4 because they are not fast enough.


stop this 'its all because a few "bad" boys were live baiting bulldust.



Message 5 of 102
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Pet industry should be shut down

@colic2bullsgirlore wrote:



It's the same reason that 14000 registered NSW Greyhound trainers will have their animals taken away....... Two of the


14,000 have been found guilty of live baiting.


Pet/companion animal owners.... all tarred with the same brush

BOOM !!!! BOOM !!!!!!.... I thought there had to be a tag line there somewhere.


Seriously though, I do have some reservations about closing down the greyhound industry. If we are going to do that, we need to also ban all horse racing at the same time, as many of the issues are similar.


Live baiting is indefensible, but having greyhounds running around an oval chasing a plastic decoy seems fairly harmless. The dogs are doing what they love, running as fast as they can.


Like most things, it comes back to managing the industry and the animals to ensure welfare standards and animal treatment is maintained at the highest level.

Message 6 of 102
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Pet industry should be shut down

@davidc4430 wrote:

@colic2bullsgirlore wrote:



It's the same reason that 14000 registered NSW Greyhound trainers will have their animals taken away....... Two of the


14,000 have been found guilty of live baiting.


Pet/companion animal owners.... all tarred with the same brush

its not the 2 live baiting culprets thats destroying the greyhound racing industry, stop being blind to the real problem.


its the thousands of puppys being bread as racing dogs who have no other purpose for being born, then are mostly destroyed before the age of 4 because they are not fast enough.


stop this 'its all because a few "bad" boys were live baiting bulldust.



In NSW 2009/2010 year 24,709 dogs and 32,475 cats were reported euthanased (approx 57,000).


Of that combined number approximately 45,000 of them were healthy but killed because they were not lovable


enough that somebody rescued them.


25,000,000 dogs are consumed by humans each year.. that figure would appear to take care of the excess in the greyhound and companion animal industry


 Why do we euthanaze the excess rather than sell them for food.??


East West difference of culture and cultural acceptance IMO


Appproximately 15% of the worlds population are Hindu. Hindus idolize the cow and hold it sacred.


However I eat cow.....yummy... How about you?


I often wonder what the Hindus think about me.

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 7 of 102
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Pet industry should be shut down

i rekon the 14,000 have been found guilty of not being able to rehome the 'wastage' dogs they are producing so they can play race the doggy.


i cant comment on other forms of racing, however


do you rekon there would be an outcry if every humun who failed to win after choosing to be a runner in races was 'put down?

Message 8 of 102
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Pet industry should be shut down

Then so have all pet owners for not accepting the responsiblity of rehoming all the excess pets that were killed

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 9 of 102
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Pet industry should be shut down

seems your point of view is actually, two wrongs make right.


your throwing out figures of where humans are doing wrong by animals, yep, no argument there


but then saying because humans are doing the wrong thing here, here and here, we should turn a blind eye to humans doing the wrong thing here.

Message 10 of 102
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