Round Table Revisited

And so Lord of the String said unto the peoples, "Go forth anew. Seek a land you can call your own."

The people saw it was good.

So, on the last day the people said their solemn goodbyes and began the long journey to the promised new land.

And so began the new land and its people were joyous!

Welcome, to the Return of the Round Table known as...

"Round Table Revisited" (RTR)
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Re: Round Table Revisited

HEY LOOK what the cat's dragged in !!


It's taken me almost the whole night to work out which was my bl***y Posting ID on these boards 🙄


So, hello Stringers et al...


Ivy emailed me years ago about Karen, but I've been off the air for so long.


I simply cannot read all 2000+ pages, so I have NFI where I'm read up to in this thread.


Through the magic mirror I can see Laney, NicNacs, Tas and Countess  - who else is still around from the golden olden RT days?


Cheers and beers, Coops 🍺

Message 29601 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Well, well, well!!!!!!!


Great to see you Coops - it sure has been a long while.  Lots of water under the bridge too 🙄


Memories of those good old days keep flooding back 😉


Some Stringer friends are still around from those golden olden RT days but they post 'elsewhere'. 


If you cannot locate them just PM me or ask Ivy - I am sure she will be able to 'direct' you.


NicNacs currently in hospital recovering from a broken pelvis 😞


Hope all well with you and your family Coops


Please don't leave it so long before you return.


Cheers, Laney





Message 29602 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

 Thanks Laney,


Unfortunately it's been a very rough time for me the past 10?? years. Pretty much lost everything that I've worked my whole life to build. I won't go into details here, but I am (kind of) starting to get back on top of things.


My Selling accounts all got suspended, since I wasn't around when they changed over from PP to Ebay payments. I didn't have my bank details on file, everything was set up to auto-pay from my Paypal acct. This used to be just a posting ID but now there's 245 from buying LOL


I've recovered a couple of the accounts the other night, so hopefully I can start shifting some stuff. My feedback looks a bit suss, with 100% Positive but all sales "Over 12 months old". (luckily it doesn't show actually how old they are).


I assume I'll be restricted like a newbie, so I'm intending to just list 10 cheap items per account until some feedback builds and I get back to having the Stores, etc.


I don't know how to contact anybody, and not sure I will have time for the forums. But I really wanted to drop in and say that I hadn't forgotten you all.


Cheers, Coops

Message 29603 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

BTW - is it really true that the Queen of RT (Donna) is gone?


No activity, Store still there but inactive for over a year (like me).


Did she elope with Bwuce? ROFL

Message 29604 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Hi Coops


Please do not think I am ignoring you - life somehow gets in the way!


Hope things are improving for you - will be in touch soon


In the meantime ~~~~~~ Stringer waves ~~~~~

Message 29605 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Hi coops,

Great to see your ID here again.

I still remember the terrifically detailed posts you wrote on how to understand the postage details for new members on here. And other very informative posts.

I also nearly lost everything but did lose mum and dad during covid, (which of course IS everything) but have recovered nicely.

I sincerely hope you will also.


Gday to everyone else and a special get better to nics. 

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Message 29606 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited



Good to see you - it has been a while.


Long weekend here - storm was threatened last night but did not eventuate.  We are desperately in need of rain here on the coast.  My rain dances have failed to produce results 🙄


Hope all well with you and your endeavours!


No word from Nics - I wonder how she is going - hope it will not be long before we see her back here.  It has been a long road for her!


G'day Coops 😀

Message 29607 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Hi Lane,


I am ok, busy with work as usual. I often drop by and see your cheerios.       😊


Here in Melbourne has also been dry for a spell but a relatively cool summer for the last three years, which suits me perfectly. Been going to picnics and restaurants with sister and nephews plus their kids.

So life is good.

Take care, go Tigers, Dockers and Cats. 🙂






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Message 29608 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

@mtnlane wrote:

No word from Nics - I wonder how she is going - hope it will not be long before we see her back here.  It has been a long road for her!




I hope she will be back soon too! According to the Internet, it takes 4-6 months to recover from a broken pelvis, but maybe she will be able to come here for a quick post a bit earlier...

Message 29609 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Thanks for the rain dance Kopes - will try it through the week and if I do not break a leg or arm, I will let you know the results 🙄


Picnics are enjoyable - it has been too hot to go on them the past few weeks here - but hopefully the cooler temps in autumn will see them revived.  Don't let work dim the enjoyment of life Kopes - it is too good for that!


Wave next time you drop by Kopes - in the meantime like you, we are looking forward to the start of the footy season, interspersed with the French Open, the Tour De France and the Olympics in Gay Paree!  No time for much mischief with all that going on 😄

Message 29610 of 29,667
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