Stupid Is It May Seem???

Community Member

I'm still here!!!



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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

'One of the things I've noticed is that there are a few posters who rarely and a few that never vote for an American entry, which is their prerogative, but it can make one feel that they are not welcomed here.'


'Noticed' or specifially gone looking for ?

I rarely vote for 'tricked up' photographs - nothing to do with who posted the pic

'Friends voting for friends' ? 

'Professional-looking photos' ?

Looks more like 'microscopic analysis' than 'noticed'


No sheep stations involved so no big deal - why make it so ?



Message 41 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

What a magnificent photograph of that cardinal Artfulcreations, thank you so much xxx


I haven't seen one in real life since I visited home (Canada), they are beautiful birds and especially so when it's snowing and there is a blaze of red like that ....  Heart





Message 42 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

I hate snow But that is a stunning photo, love it

Message 43 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

Lionrose, I watched a documentary about the kiwi bird a few days ago, what gorgeous birds they are, and they have unique personalities and characters, it was just delightful and I thought of you ... Smiley Very Happy

Message 44 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

@j*oono wrote:

Polly is still posting Pimpy.  Isn't Pollsyd Polly? Or is it justpolls.  Confused.

Yep.....same person j*oono. I kept the Avi and siggy heart the same so people would still recognize me. 


Pimpy, I still look through and kudo the pics on the photo thread, but time is a short commodity these days and I haven't been able to really participate and go out and take pictures. But I really enjoy the thread and hope that it's still going strong when I do finally get a little more down time. 


Ftr....I disagree with Artful that Americans were treated differently on the photo thread. I didn't feel that way at all. I don't think I was treated any differently than any other new poster wandering in for the first time. True, some people were a little blunt in the beginning (and honestly, I can't remember who) about the amount and quality of my pics, but I never once thought it was because I was an American. I always figured they were probably equally rude to Aussies too and never took it personal. ebay-laugh.gif Ebaysilly.gif j/k


Seriously though...I have always felt welcome on your thread Pimpy. And personally, I don't think you should change one thing about it. I think it works perfect the way you have it now.









Message 45 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

Tas are you saying I have big nose and cant fly hahaha.


Kiwi's are so cute so thats ok ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 46 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

Smiley Tongue





Message 47 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

i feel so sorry for kiwis - their eggs are huge!
I bet they regret their very existence when they lay that sucker...

Message 48 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

Yes Pepe they are huge, no wonder they cant fly ๐Ÿ™‚


So many birds here are nearly extinct, we have to put then on pest free islands, but Kiwi's like deep forest.

Pig and Deer hunters go hunting and the dogs kill the kiwi's

Message 49 of 63
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Re: Stupid Is It May Seem???

i wish there was a way to avoid the kiwis getting killed but i guess if the pigs and deer weren't culled there would be less habitat for them.

Message 50 of 63
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