Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

Tony Abbott achieves the impossible: unity among economists

Economists are refuting the three big picture claims made by the government: 1) We have a budget emergency 2) We have a debt crisis and 3) The carbon tax was ruining the economy


There’s a joke about economists: if you ask five economists the same question you’ll get six different answers. Granted, it's not a very good joke, but it’s a fair call. Ours is a complex field, and a growing number of economists are acknowledging that the theory sitting behind mainstream economics is mostly rubbish. As a result, it’s very difficult to find consensus on real world events.

But that's where Abbott and Hockey have achieved what many thought impossible: a true consensus. Unfortunately for the coalition government, the consensus is entirely against them. The Abbott government’s agenda has been driven by three major claims, all of them economic in nature. Let’s see how economists view these three themes:


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 1 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

Community Member

REPEATED post already done to death here  from post #1123   


Why would you repost and redo this rubbish? 


and you may be interested in MM12 reply at # 1125

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

@nero_wulf wrote:

REPEATED post already done to death here  from post #1123   


Why would you repost and redo this rubbish? 


and you may be interested in MM12 reply at # 1125

obviously even some of the lefties find that thread too boring to follow, Nero, lol

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

I agree with last bit of article:


The clarity of these examples reveals the sad reality of this government.

They are not ideologues, they are just puppets dancing to the tune of those pulling their strings.


....... remembering, Mr Joseph Hockey, Treasurer of Australia does not have an Economics Degree

Message 4 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

I'm NOT a leftie, rightie or even an inbetweenie, I just happen to think that Abbott is a LIAR, always have, always will .....  Interesting to note the the die in the wool supporters on CS, usually come across as being very aggressive people, same as the LIb pollies, is it a Lib trait?

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

@kabarine wrote:

I'm NOT a leftie, rightie or even an inbetweenie, I just happen to think that Abbott is a LIAR, always have, always will .....  Interesting to note the the die in the wool supporters on CS, usually come across as being very aggressive people, same as the LIb pollies, is it a Lib trait?

Do the libs own the new forum management company? 


There seems to be some new rules that allow some to be called names on a regular basis.

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

Hello, everyone. This discussion is getting a little heated. Could we please communicate with a more civil tone. Thanks!

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

Paints, you left out the other ministers



Message 8 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

@nero_wulf wrote:

REPEATED post already done to death here  from post #1123   


Why would you repost and redo this rubbish? 


and you may be interested in MM12 reply at # 1125


and you may be interested in MM12 reply at # 1125



hahahahah... I doubt it....Woman LOL

Message 9 of 14
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Re: Tony Abbott achieves the impossible:

Not everyone reads the Govt diary thread, nero. This announcement deserves a thread of its own.
Message 10 of 14
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