Washing up stuff

How do you store all your washing up paraphenalia?


Do you have a special caddy that sits on the bench?


Or do you insist on the utencils being returned to the cupboard underneath?


Or do you just leave everything in the sink all squished up and not drained (like my kids do if I am not onto them)


Do you use a brush? a scrubby thing? one of those sponges with the green stuff on the back? a steel wool? a good old fashioned chux?


and most importantly


Do you Jif your sink? LOL


(My mother always went on about Jiffing the sink - but i use Gumption - and she doesn't know the difference!


I was just at the klitchen store before and they had all these cutsie dish washing brushes - like lady beetles and flowers and ladies and stuff - and it caused me to ponder the complexities of how the dishes get done....



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 1 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

@buzzlightyearsgirlfriend wrote:

@*crikey*mate* wrote:

I bought two of the lady ones cos they were only $5 each and their bristles were heaps firmer than the other designs which were between $15 and $20 each



Obviously what you bought is superior and way more awesome than anything the rest of us have. So, pat yourself on the back there! You are awesome!



There's a blonde one in that range of brushes as well, Crikey lol.

I don't use a brush, just your everday common chux, with one of those fibre optic scourers for the more cooken on jobs

Message 21 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

I'm going to have a go at making dishcloths too.

Joonos little miniature one was so cute and reminded me of my Nana's dishcloths, so it's more of a nostalgic thing rather than a save the environment thing, although that is an added bonus. Soul do you have a pattern to follow or are you just going to make it up as you go along?

Message 22 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

Hiay skwerl, I don't have a pattern but on the down to earth site, I think there is.  You can knit or crochet them, I'm just going to use the same pattern as making throws, you know the old granny squares or you could just use chain stitch back and forth?

Message 23 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

whats this washing up of which you speak?

Message 24 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

I use Norwex cloths as used correctly, no germs, no smells ๐Ÿ™‚ I am getting good at the environmentally sound and healthy options for cleaning.

Message 25 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

haha mrgizz, paper plates and plastic cutlery at yours ?


I've never bought into the whole anti bacteria/germ free existence thing.  Because of the health probs, if anyone is going to get sick from food germs etc. I'd be the first to know about it and I never get sick from food cooked at home.....eating out is another story !


Drying the cloths I'm going to make, in the sun shouldkeep them clean enough.

Message 26 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

So Mr Grizz,  are you into disposable dinnerware and cutlery?  Or do you eat out? Or visit neighbours/relatives regularly just on dinner time?Smiley Very Happy


Remembering now, a bachelor friend couldn't justify the fridge being turned on.  It became a book storage unit.



Message 27 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

@soulart2 wrote:

haha mrgizz, paper plates and plastic cutlery at yours ?


I've never bought into the whole anti bacteria/germ free existence thing.  Because of the health probs, if anyone is going to get sick from food germs etc. I'd be the first to know about it and I never get sick from food cooked at home.....eating out is another story !


Drying the cloths I'm going to make, in the sun shouldkeep them clean enough.

you can but packs of 100 paper plates from woolworths for $20. a good brand too

Message 28 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

Okay, that solves the plate washing, but what do you use to cook the food? or do you eat a lot of frozen meals like lean cuisine etc?


I tried them for awhile but, geez, I sure got sick of them in a very short time...I don't think they describe the ingrediants very well....should say......LOTS of rice, a few stray veges and 2 tiny pieces of rubber chicken hahaa.

Message 29 of 30
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Re: Washing up stuff

Chux n good 'ol Aldi dishwasing liquid, the dishwasher takes care of most of it    ..... I don't "buy" the germ phobia thing either Soul

Message 30 of 30
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