What do you think?

There are approx 100,000 homeless people in Aust, yet the liberal gov wants to spent 100 million dollars on a prebicite re gay marriage    .... Surely this money could be used ( better spent ) providing a home for our homeless?

Message 1 of 113
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112 REPLIES 112

Re: What do you think?

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

This tends to give me that Brexit feeling where a no vote would stick it up those elitists who consider their views are much more important than the little peoples.


The problem is though, the people who will actually be affected by a NO vote are not elitists at all, they are  ordinary, everyday folk exactly like you and me  who just want to be able to get married. 

Agreed..... That is why I am considering abstaining from the vote. I dont actually want to vote no, but I have serious objections to being told what to think and do, by those who consider themselves just a little bit better than everyone else. 


Its the political progressives trying to railroad the general population into thinking and acting the way they are told, that are indirectly to blame for Trump being elected President of the U.S.A and the British population voting for Brexit. It would be a pity if the bullying and ear bashing techniques addopted by the militant gays, the ABC and Little Billy and his socialist Labor party ( seeking an easy  populist vote ) caused people to lodge a protest No vote............Sad I know.......but It could well happen.!!!!

Message 91 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

i'd rather not vote, but as its being forced on me i will.


honestly, i dont know anyone who is gay, not sure ive met anyone who is gay. i'm sure i prolly have but i dont look at people i meet and wonder are they gay. if they want to marry each other, thats fine by me. why they need my permission is beyond me.


maybe malcolm would tell me why gay people need my permission to get married.


we elected a govt to make decisions but then we let them pull this stunt. plenty has been written by people a lot smarter than me on this topic. like the fact john howard changed the wording in the act to say marriage must be between a male and female without needing to ask me. i say bring on another election malcolm if your govt cant do its job.


Trump got elected by making promises he will never keep. build a wall charge mexico, bring industry back to the states that lost out to offshore manufacture ect ect. sounds a lot like how tony abbott got elected, we got tricked just like the american public.

Message 92 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

Trump won because the American voters could not stomach another politically correct, corrupt, career politician in the form of Hillary taking leadership of the country.  Trump may not have been a better choice, it was just a protest vote.


Abbott won by default as Labor where in dissarray. He was seen by voters as the lesser of two evils.


Politicians on both sides of the political fence have been too weak to really stand up and make a decision on gay marriage. With public opinion fairly evenly split, any party that actually made a definative decision, faces losing support from a large block of voters. It is much easier to just muddle along and procrastinate than do the job they are paid for and actually make a decision one way or the other. Labor have been just as weak kneed on this as the Liberals, dodging making decisions when they have been tested in parliment.

Message 93 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

David    .. If it were a compulsory vote that would actually change anything, then I would consider voting    .... Sadly, it's not, it's simply a poll that is being forced upon us by a wishy, washy government who couldn't make a decent decision if their lives depended on it.


Therefore, I am not taking part in it, cause frankly it doesn't bother me either way 



I do think that those who opposed to homosexuals/lesbians etc being able to marry, should be able to voice this opinion without being called homophobic etc   ... IMO everyone has the RIGHT to have an opinion on this subject



Message 94 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

Strictly speaking, opinions are not something anyone has a right to, they are personal beliefs that nobody can prevent you fom holding 


Those who oppose ssm cannot be prevented from opposing it and those who believe such opposition smacks of homophobia cannot be prevented from believing that. - And if one side has a right to voice their opinion, then the same right obviously applies to the other side.

Message 95 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

i know its not compulsory but the govt has said clearly a no vote result will mean no freedome for same sex marriage but a yes vote (may) lead to a vote in parliment.


i do believe them when they say a result of NO will result in the SSM being scrapped for as long as the libs are in power, maybe longer if labor loses the will to make it law.


so my view is i'll vote yes in hope the politicians then make it law because a NO vote will stop it dead in the water and its time we got this issue sorted. if the YES vote gets up and the libs still dont do anything well thats very bad and just another good reason to boot them out ASAP.

Message 96 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Strictly speaking, opinions are not something anyone has a right to, they are personal beliefs that nobody can prevent you fom holding 


Those who oppose ssm cannot be prevented from opposing it and those who believe such opposition smacks of homophobia cannot be prevented from believing that. - And if one side has a right to voice their opinion, then the same right obviously applies to the other side.

'n round 'n round we go     ...... same diff to me

Message 97 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

@bushies.girl wrote:

David    .. If it were a compulsory vote that would actually change anything, then I would consider voting    


Consider - compulorsy voting.



Message 98 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

@domino-710 wrote:

@bushies.girl wrote:

David    .. If it were a compulsory vote that would actually change anything, then I would consider voting    


Consider - compulorsy voting.



Huh?  No idea what you mean   

Message 99 of 113
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Re: What do you think?

if you cant spill ya kant poost sweetie.


well when you run out of sensible argument you turn to attacking spelling.

Message 100 of 113
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