difficult days i know

yes, we all hate the stay home thing

and if your not used to it you can get a bit grumpy


but try to look on the bright side

you get to do lots of stuff you have been putting off, like collecting belly button fluff!


so, stop trying to bug me with silly coments

its not working

just makes YOU look sad and pathetic.


me, i take the leroy out every couple of hours to pee, do a bit of housework, water the garden, have a nice nap.


worrying what some no life moron is typing to every post i make really doesnt come into my head, until i look at this forum, and its allways the same carp.

never anything even intelligent!

sad sad little person.


pity you chased martin away, he was a nice guy!

Message 1 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know

Honored Contributor

Oh fair go David.....you have been making some pretty pathetic posts yourself lately.....calling everyone morons.


Don't dish it out if you cannot take it.


Self isolation does not worry everyone.....I have been doing it for years from necessity not choice so it is just another day at the office for me.  And I mean that literally....I have worked from home for over 20 years now.

Message 2 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know

@lyndal1838 wrote:

Oh fair go David.....you have been making some pretty pathetic posts yourself lately.....calling everyone morons.


Don't dish it out if you cannot take it.


Self isolation does not worry everyone.....I have been doing it for years from necessity not choice so it is just another day at the office for me.  And I mean that literally....I have worked from home for over 20 years now.

did i call YOU a moron?

show me please?


in fact besides a select few, who have i called 'a moron'?


i can think of 'the NSW govt' and 'my troll' and my own state govt to a point.


not sure there are many others


oh, sorry, forgot president moron trump.


btw, did you think you were the troll? surely not.


i am quite surprised IT didnt respond though.

Message 3 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know

As far as I've noticed, David only calls Pollies, Goverments and the like 'morons'


I don't think I've seen him call posters morons.    Just one.  


Someone point it out if I'm wrong.


I gotta say, it is getting a bit tedious to watch and read.


So, to all, and one, out there....I agree with David.


The comebacks are unnecessary IMO.


Maybe troll is the wrong word though.


I hate that word, cos I've been called that more than once on here.

Message 4 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know



(What's on FB?!)

Signatures suck.
Message 5 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know

@imastawka wrote:

As far as I've noticed, David only calls Pollies, Goverments and the like 'morons'


I don't think I've seen him call posters morons.    Just one.  


Someone point it out if I'm wrong.


I gotta say, it is getting a bit tedious to watch and read.


So, to all, and one, out there....I agree with David.


The comebacks are unnecessary IMO.


Maybe troll is the wrong word though.


I hate that word, cos I've been called that more than once on here.

i would NEVER call YOU a troll Stawks, your so far from one.


if i could think of another word to describe one person who tries to make comments on my posts regularly to try get a rise out of me, id use it.

but TROLL fits.

i'm more than happy to get constructive comments, if i'm wrong about anything lets talk about it.


but the trolls burnt her bridge, i gave her a second chance, began answering her comments, but she soon drifted back to her moronic bitter posts.


so its now fair game i guess, forever more SHE will be MY TROLL!


and your right, i dont attack other posters, we need posters with every view here.

i would live to see more 'new blood' but can understand why anyone reading here would not want to put anything up.

Message 6 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know

@davidc4430 wrote:

did i call YOU a moron?

show me please?


in fact besides a select few, who have i called 'a moron'?


i can think of 'the NSW govt' and 'my troll' and my own state govt to a point.


not sure there are many others


oh, sorry, forgot president moron trump.


btw, did you think you were the troll? surely not.


i am quite surprised IT didnt respond though.

No David, I know I am not a Troll of any description.....and no, you did not call me a moron but I agree with Stawka.....it is all getting a bit tedious.


The more you call people morons the less effective it becomes.


I certainly agree that Trump fully deserves the description but the local pollies and the NSW Government can't hold a candle to him.

Message 7 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know

"moron" is my word of choice, its much better than words i'd like to use

of course they get bleeped out.


moron is allowed so moron i use.

Message 8 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know

Just one - is one.


Of course it is tedious - when someone cannot discuss - instead - starts the name calling - TROLL.


The comebacks as mentioned - are part of a discussion.


He deals out enough - in all directions - in every direction.


The purpose of the boards - is fun - discussion - opinion.


All should be respected - every damn one of them - it was quite happily going on long before David.


Start taking it personally - as he has - on numerous occasions - never forgetting - never letting up - obsessed by carp - virtually a ' newbie ' - with very - to none - sense of humour.


Sheesh - I'm over it - this used to be vibrant - fun - friends - now - ............................


And - I will add - too much - don't hurt my feelings.





Message 9 of 20
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Re: difficult days i know

see, now thats FUNNY!

Message 10 of 20
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