
and others at Crib Point


I hope you have weathered the fires well and you have no losses.

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 1 of 6
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Re: esseco46

Hi cm,


Yes, thank you. We are safe although we had packed up the animals, computers, and some clothes and headed down to our daughters' place to help one of them pack up their 4 cats, 2 chooks, 2 snakes and one dog.  As we were doing that, the wind changed - cooler - but by then all roads were blocked and we would not have been able to drive out. We were safe but were scared.


I didn't like it one bit.


We will be much more prepared if there is a next time because I did forget a couple of important things.



Message 2 of 6
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Re: esseco46

Pleased to hear you are fine di

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 3 of 6
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Re: esseco46

Icy posted this on another thread about the fires


We were watching it on the news just now.


Apparently a blaze near Crib Point was started by a gas gun to scare off birds. Could that be the loud explosion posted about by another member recently?

Message 4 of 6
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Re: esseco46

@imastawka wrote:

Icy posted this on another thread about the fires


We were watching it on the news just now.


Apparently a blaze near Crib Point was started by a gas gun to scare off birds. Could that be the loud explosion posted about by another member recently?

....which had me wondering if any of the bushfires reached Cerberus?  It has quite a colony of native birds and animals (and no, I'm not talking about the sailors!)

Message 5 of 6
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Re: esseco46

That was me imastawker about the big bang - the big bang was a huge fire cracker.

This is from the big bang thread which I posted:

"I have found out what the explosion was.

The rogue family who regularly lets of fireworks for no reason at all, had a big bang of their own.  Heehee.

I spoke with a CFA captain and he said they had even started a fire in an open paddock and that the police are now very much aware of who the family is. Yay, justice at last I hope."



No, the fire wasn't started with the bird scaring gun, that was Moyston. The Hastings fire hasn't been determined yet.



zanadoo, I haven't heard of any fires at Cerberus - the fire was well contained before it reached even as far down as the Crib Point Jetty.


Fortunately, all is calm here at the moment but who knows what will happen next. We will be well prepared.






Message 6 of 6
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