i smoke and i enjoy it

All i hear smoking this or that, gets on my goat

if you dont like cigs well that's your hard luck mate, i smoke and enjoy it, smoked 30 years ,and alot don't get it

out there, their are alot like me who can't stop, tried everything to stop don't work so i'll stick to it, untill its that exspensive i will have to force myself to stop, 

if the government really cared they'd ban it, how about raising tax on **bleep** pots

well anyhow was good to get that off my chest

have a good one.


Message 1 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it




Carry On Regardless mate, and enjoy.

Message 2 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it

Community Member

Smoking is destroying the world. Unlike drugs where you take a pill, desolve something under your tounge injcect into your vain or sniff, smoking puts it out into the air that others have to breathe, we have no choice, we share the air, there's no way to keep wind, fans, and moving air currents from taking your smoke and putting it in my lungs.


Smokers go up to grocery stores, gas stations ans fast food places and stand there at the entrance/exit while they finish. This is in most cases the only way in or out of the place. many times dropping it on the ground without putting it out. That should be a 500 dollar fine right there, littering. If your car is in a parking lot next to another car with a smoker in it and window down, You are held hostage not able to leave until the area is clear.


Where I live everyone smokes all the time and everywhere they go, even inside places where they are not supposed to. So smoking rules are not or seldom enforced. Someone like me litterally can't breathe several times a day, I have actually collapsed coughing, then people would come up and want to call me an ambulance or the cops to put me in jail for not smoking.


I'm sorry you can't stop, it is an addiction and I feel for those who are victim to it. But I'm guessing you choose to start and I have to suffer because of it.


Well, anyhow it was good to get that off my chest, and maybe someday I will be able to get it all out of my lungs. Have a nice day

Message 3 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it

Not a problem.  Not everyone gets to choose their way to die. Just don't impose your affliction on others who choose not to smoke, first or second hand.  Keep it to yourself and no one is bothered.

Message 4 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it

@gum_shoe_the_3rd wrote:

All i hear smoking this or that, gets on my goat

if you dont like cigs well that's your hard luck mate, i smoke and enjoy it, smoked 30 years ,and alot don't get it

out there, their are alot like me who can't stop, tried everything to stop don't work so i'll stick to it, untill its that exspensive i will have to force myself to stop, 

if the government really cared they'd ban it, how about raising tax on **bleep** pots

well anyhow was good to get that off my chest

have a good one.


their are alot like me who can't stop



Don't wait for the Government to ban it for you - pull your willpower out of your back pocket and do it for yourself. You contradict


yourself you say you enjoy it - then you say you have tried everything to stop - so you don't really enjoy it.


What you need to get off your chest is the hacking from that filthy habit you are hooked on.


You can do it - but you are weak and have no willpower.


Make today the first day of your new life cigarette free - it's not easy but I can tell you my biggest regret is I didn't quit years sooner


then I did.


Good luck - Just do it.



Message 5 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it

Honored Contributor

My father smoked till he was in his 50s when he decided that cigarettes were too expensive....he went cold turkey the day after the Budget was brought down.  He still developed Emphysema years later and had awful breathing problems for over 20 years.


My grandfather smoked all his life until he developed throat cancer when he was 77.  He never smoked again and he never spoke again.

He was a frustrated old man who spent the last 16 years of his life writing notes to tell people what he wanted and getting annoyed when they could not read them as his sight deteriorated as well.

Message 6 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it

@gum_shoe_the_3rd wrote:

All i hear smoking this or that, gets on my goat

if you dont like cigs well that's your hard luck mate, i smoke and enjoy it, smoked 30 years ,and alot don't get it

out there, their are alot like me who can't stop, tried everything to stop don't work so i'll stick to it, untill its that exspensive i will have to force myself to stop, 




I quit smoking about 4 years ago after quitting about 20 times, this time for good as I'd never go through the quitting again.

For me,  it was sheer hell.    But I still miss it.


Being a quitter I have no prob with those who smoke as long as they do it considerately, away from others. 


If you enjoy it as you do carry on. Of course it's bad for one's health but so are many other things, like breathing in the

carcinogens from traffic/ pollution.  Crystal clean air is a  myth. 



Message 7 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it

@gum_shoe_the_3rd wrote:

All i hear smoking this or that, gets on my goat

if you dont like cigs well that's your hard luck mate, i smoke and enjoy it, smoked 30 years ,and alot don't get it

out there, their are alot like me who can't stop, tried everything to stop don't work so i'll stick to it, untill its that exspensive i will have to force myself to stop, 

if the government really cared they'd ban it, how about raising tax on **bleep** pots

well anyhow was good to get that off my chest

have a good one.


Smoking related diseases cost the government more than they collect from taxes on tobacco.  Stopping may not be easy, but it can be done.  Banning would work just as well as banning drugs and alcohol did.  Much better is to tax it so at least government has the $ to provide the care, and ban smoking in more and more places.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 8 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it

They get more revenue from cigarettes than petrol. I disagree with the tax. You cannot on one hand spend money to tell people it is bad for you and then raise taxes. Ban it if they are serious!

Message 9 of 66
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Re: i smoke and i enjoy it

freddie*rooster wrote:


 Make today the first day of your new life cigarette free - it's not easy but I can tell you my biggest regret is I didn't quit years sooner

The same here as we worked out that it was costing us $6000 per year by the time we both gave them up.


I mangled my right hand and had two separate bone grafts done and neither took,(I was warned not to smoke or


there was a high risk that they wouldn't take as smoking dilates the blood vessels).


They then said that they could only do one more and If I didn't give up I would end up with no bone in the right


index finger,(I had my last smoke before walking into the hospital for surgery and I have bone in that finger).


My OH was told to stop before they did major surgery on her and it was successful.


So not only has it saved us over $6000 per year but it's also improved our quality of life,good.gif


You're kidding yourself if you think you enjoy it as it's poison to your system and if my OH was able to give


them up then IMHO anyone can,(she used to smoke 40 plus a day and said she enjoyed smoking but since


giving up can walk places and is much healthier).


If you smoke then just keep trying to give them up till you succeed and your body will thank you,(add the


savings to it and you'll be miles in front).good.gif



Message 10 of 66
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