new pool wont the neighbours be jealous?


a few metres to the right and it would have been an indoor spa!

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Re: new pool wont the neighbours be jealous?

One's worst nightmare far does it extend yet to be found out


poor things, they lost everythng in the 2011 floods.

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Re: new pool wont the neighbours be jealous?

How terrible for this couple? I feel so sad for them. The neighbours must be starting to worry if their home will be next.


We live in an old mining town and one part is regarded as to dangerous to build any houses there, but nobody really knows how many old mine shafts are really there. 150 years ago they did not keep plans and locations very accurate as has to be done today. Every time we get an earth tremor, the locals are joking that one day one of us will be swallowed up, house and all. Our town is sitting on an earthquake fault line.


It's not funy anymore when one sees what can happen.

Last earthquake was 6.2  Big enough to shake the house and sounding like a Semitrailer drove through our house. This silent sinkhole is so frightening. It can happen to anyone while they are sleeping.


I hope they find the real cause and a permanent solution soon.


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Re: new pool wont the neighbours be jealous?

planet earth is revolting, taking retribution on the humans who are destroying the eco system.


first it was the ocean eating houses


now the ground beneath our feet is swallowing us


must be a movie in this.


can brad pitt save us?

Message 4 of 7
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Re: new pool wont the neighbours be jealous?

I foresee some pitfalls in your movie theory

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Re: new pool wont the neighbours be jealous?

Sorry Brad Pitt cant save you, I am at the top nof the list to be saved by him 🙂

Message 6 of 7
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Re: new pool wont the neighbours be jealous?

He could get into some hot water over there.  Will he have a bailout contingency I wonder?Smiley LOL

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