"You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"

"which is why you have a job with the ABC"


REAL Housewives of Sydney’s Lisa Oldfield has taken the criticism of ABC personality and Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied to another level, calling her a “b****” on live television.


Appearing as a political commentator on Sky News’ Paul Murray Live program, the Sydney businesswoman-turned reality TV star lashed out at Ms Abdel-Magied, whose offensive Anzac Day Facebook post has led to calls for her sacking.


The online comment that said “Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine ...)” was removed by Ms Abdel-Magied about an hour after she had posted it when she said she realised it was offensive and apologised.


On Wednesday as online petitions lobbying for the part-time presenter’s dismissal from the public broadcaster reached more than 70,000 signatories, Ms Oldfield ranted on the late-night program.


“It wasn’t ignorant, she was just being a b****,” she said.


“At the end of the day I don’t like what she said. I was offended by what she said.


But I still support her right to freedom of speech, and my right to be able to turn around and say lest we forget, Yassmin, that you are brown, you are Muslim and you are a girl, and that’s the only reason you have a job at the ABC.”




Ok. It was a disrespectful thing to say, by Ms Abdel-Magied. She's not scared of speaking her mind is she?


And good on Ms Oldfield for having the guts to come out and speak hers as well.

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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"


Personally, I don't think her right to freedom of speech or speaking her mind has anything to do with the contoversy. It's more about exercising that right and freedom with responsibility and consideration, unless of course the person doesn't care or is intending to be controversial. Whichever, she chose to open her mouth and now it's time to exercise her right and freedom to face the consequences.

Message 2 of 28
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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"

The ABC has completely lost the plot of late. It has become so tied up in politically correct B$ that it has almost become irrelevant. How many anglo saxon, middle aged, white males can get a job presenting on the ABC now. ( Heck I would say we are being discriminated against ....Smiley Very Happy   )    


Its all tertiary educated, indiginous,  muslim, asylum seeking, femenist, LGBT .... and all the other letters.... rubbish. It has become completely disconnected and disengaged from the real world and real people, a bit like our lofty leaders in Canberra.


 Pity really as it was the only station I used to watch. At least I am catching up on plenty of reading now........Smiley Happy

Message 3 of 28
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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"

didnt bother me what she said, it was stupid but nothing worth getting steamed up about.


i thought it funny the calls for her to be 'sacked' by the likes of barnaby joyce.


if saying stupid things was a sackable offence most of the current govt ministers would be out of work, inluding the PM.

Message 4 of 28
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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"

@icyfroth wrote:

"which is why you have a job with the ABC"


REAL Housewives of Sydney’s Lisa Oldfield has taken the criticism of ABC personality and Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied to another level, calling her a “b****” on live television.


Appearing as a political commentator on Sky News’ Paul Murray Live program, the Sydney businesswoman-turned reality TV star lashed out at Ms Abdel-Magied, whose offensive Anzac Day Facebook post has led to calls for her sacking.


The online comment that said “Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine ...)” was removed by Ms Abdel-Magied about an hour after she had posted it when she said she realised it was offensive and apologised.


On Wednesday as online petitions lobbying for the part-time presenter’s dismissal from the public broadcaster reached more than 70,000 signatories, Ms Oldfield ranted on the late-night program.


“It wasn’t ignorant, she was just being a b****,” she said.


“At the end of the day I don’t like what she said. I was offended by what she said.


But I still support her right to freedom of speech, and my right to be able to turn around and say lest we forget, Yassmin, that you are brown, you are Muslim and you are a girl, and that’s the only reason you have a job at the ABC.”




Ok. It was a disrespectful thing to say, by Ms Abdel-Magied. She's not scared of speaking her mind is she?


And good on Ms Oldfield for having the guts to come out and speak hers as well.

"But I still support her right to freedom of speech"


If so why all bleating. It wasn't long ago that a cartoonist had a very offensive cartoon about Aboriginals, yet all the same baboons praised him for expressing his right to freedom of speech, and were openly critical of anyone with different opinions.There were no calls for him to be sacked etc

Message 5 of 28
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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"

"anglo saxon, middle aged, white males can get a job presenting on the ABC now."

Tony Jones?
Message 6 of 28
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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"


There are legislative limitations to Freedom and Expression of Speech in Australia that are linked to discrimination, anti-vilification, defamation, confidentiality laws etc. We don't have the freedom to say absolutely anything we want to someone or in public.

Message 7 of 28
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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
"anglo saxon, middle aged, white males can get a job presenting on the ABC now."

Tony Jones?

He's been there for a very long time. Part of the left leaning, politically correct furniture so as to speak. I suspect if Tony Jones did not have a long history with the station he would have little hope of getting a gig there now. And if a white anglo saxon male had conservative political views he wouldn't even get a job as a copy boy at the ABC. ( you know its true !!! )


 Like a lot of our public institutions the ABC has been completely over run with PC lefties. It needs a good clean out, removal of its leadership team and a bit more political and social balance restored. As it is the ABC has lost any pretences of indepedance and with it, has lost credibility and relevance to the vast majority of Australians.



Message 8 of 28
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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"

Three observations:


1) the words "Lest we forget" are not owned by the ANZAC. They are from  a poem written by Rudyard Kipling in 1897 - 18 years before Gallipoli.


3) If Lisa Goddrd is so offended by Yasmin's use of those words should she not expect to be sacked by Arena  for saying:   lest we forget, Yassmin, that you are brown, you are Muslim and you are a girl, and that’s the only reason you have a job at the ABC.”


3) Has she ever given any thought as  to which were the  attributes that got her the job on Real Housewives - I bet they weren't intelligence or good nature?

Message 9 of 28
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Re: "You're Brown, Muslim, and a Girl"

And let's fce it, Yasmin was really only echoing the words of Eric Bogle in his No Man's Land. I don't recall anyone ever accusing him of insulting the ANZCS.


Now Willie McBride I can't help wonder why,
Do those who lie here do they know why they died?
Did they really believe when they answered the call,
Did they really believe that this war would end wars?
Forever this song of suffereing and shame; 
The killing the dying was all done in vain;
For young Willie McBride it's all happened again,
And again, and again, and again, and again 

Message 10 of 28
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