the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

This is a thread with no particular

Topic so no one can be off topic 🙂


So if anyone out there has something 

To say about anything you like now

Is your chance


Keep it clean 


And be nice 


See how long that lasts


Can we keep politics and religion out 

Of the conversation 

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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread




Message 3531 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


Image result for strange haircut
Message 3532 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


Message 3533 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Hey,  wayda minnit!  That looks suspiciously like my Missie


Biz Buz 008.jpg

Message 3534 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread




Message 3535 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Baybizz, current events in London and Manchester sadden me.   


I don't know how anyone can feel relaxed in England atm.


Thank you for the music.



Message 3537 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


Stawks: Sadly, we are almost becoming used to it. It's happening not only in the UK, but all over Europe. There are increasing calls for much tighter restrictions on immigration - which will be possible once the UK finally completes the Brexit process from the EU:



Message 3538 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

After the happy horde had stopped  brightening my morning, and had decided to seek greener pastures, I was left with an old man bird who was quite happy to find a comfortable perch and settle in for a nap.

I was pottering around outside and I could hear a noise that I couldn't quite place.

A sort of rhythmic "Wheeeze... Wheeeze...".

Somebody was snoring... ha ha.

He must have slept for about an hour before he decided that he was sufficiently refreshed to go and forage around the garden, and occasionally say "Boo!" at the pigeons because it's fun to do that, ha ha.

He's very flock-centric, as a rule - when they take off for their mid morning "walk" around the neighbourhood, he's up there with them, so to have him stay, and he's done this on a few occasions, is a pretty high praise - "It's a nice place, I can eat, I can drink, I can perch, I feel safe... oh, and you're ugly and you smell funny, but I'm warming to you...", ha ha.

As usual, he stayed back in the evening, to grab a bit more to eat, and predictably enough the local magpies saw him and kicked up a fuss.

But not for long...

Mother magpie landed on the roof, and "happened" to see that there was food, so the magpie calls changed from "Drive it away" to "Ooh! Look! Food!... Come on, everybody, there's food!", ha ha.

A sarcastic person might have pointed out that it's that time of day, when there's food there, so, understandably, at that time of day, there's food, there...

But sarcasm doesn't work well with magpies, it's like wearing a plastic ice cream container on your head in swooping season, you're better off not bothering... ha ha.




Message 3539 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

trackie daks.jpg



Message 3540 of 12,453
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