64gb sdhc memory cards

should not all selling of sdhc memory cards bigger than 32gb be banned on ebay as they are non existent, bigger cards are labeld hdxc

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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

If you are absolutely certain about this, you should report the item. Bottom Right hand Side of Listing there is an item number. Report the item, but ebay will most likely do Zilch about it. Too busy sweeping out the Tumbleweeds

Message 2 of 10
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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

I have repeatedly been reporting this one 321633531689 and ebay flatly refuse to remove it. Even their negative feedback states they are fake, yet ebay won't budge. Normally they remove these listings when they are reported, but not this time.

Message 3 of 10
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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

@i-love-my-sheep wrote:

I have repeatedly been reporting this one 321633531689 and ebay flatly refuse to remove it. Even their negative feedback states they are fake, yet ebay won't budge. Normally they remove these listings when they are reported, but not this time.

Yet another "protected seller" from China that T&S (the toothless tiger) refuse to deal with sheeps, there's far too many of them out there getting away with ripping members off....................grrrr............


"Level playing field" my ar$e, small/medium sellers here in Oz get hammered with "defects" yet the scammers get away with murder.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 4 of 10
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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

121533449017 Another protected seller. I have been reporting this one for over a week. When I started, they had no sales. Now, without adding it up, they have made thousands from their 9 listings. A lot are low feedback buyers who probably don't know that a) they can claim their lost money from PayPal and b) they have to fight PayPal to get their money because of the category having no buyer protection. Sadly, most will just write it off as a bad experience and the seller will reap the rewards.


Frankly, it makes me sick to the stomach. I wonder how long we would last if we pulled that stunt? I might open a fake account and try it. See how quickly I get defected off ebay. Trouble is, I'd lose this account too as they'd match up the IP address. That is unless I do everything on my phone when I'm not connected to the home network. Sad reality is, my conscience would kill me.

Message 5 of 10
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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

That seller has nearly all of the same listings (complete with photos) of sellers that have been already NARU'd, including our favorite Makita listing................


As you say the newbie buyers will most likely give up with a dispute due to the category listing thing, to get rid of one of the car dvd's I eventually "bought" one and reported it that way - the seller was NARU'd within 24 hrs (after a week + of reporting as a fake listing...).


To get a case opened took a phone call to Paypal - there was no other way to dispute the sale - and I seriously doubt like yourself if most buyers would know/care to go down that path for a $20 sale.


If eBay can't/won't see the damage the scammers are doing to their selling platform, then IMHO they deserve everything they get with the loss of buyers/sales - bet the shareholders will be overjoyed as well.......not.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 6 of 10
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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

Unfortunately it's only about one in ten or more that know how to check and confirm their capacity.


Some of the buyers have also now reported loss of data through the use of these bogus items.


So in the long run they aren't going to trust this site,stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif



Message 7 of 10
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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

I reported some listings of target about 2 weeks ago and they are still there in the wrong catagory. They have soda stream syrup listed in


Collectables / Homeware, Kitchenware / Small Appliances

Home & Garden / Bedding / Sheet

Home Appliances / Small Kitchen Appliances / Other

Message 8 of 10
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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

We got pinged a few months back for a barefoot sandals and matching hedband set we had listed in baby footwear category.


We were in two minds which way to list either headwear or footwear. We chose footwear becasue there were literally thousands of the same kind of items from China listed there so made a foolish assumption that since they were all still there it must be OK.


Nah! they pinged us for just ONE and said it should be in OTHER. Neither headwear nor footwear. Those two categories are full of wrongly categorised items. Why did they pick on us?


So we reported about 50 of the same Chinese listings with the same kind of items in the same category as they pinged us for and not a single one was ever removed.


Pretty clear evidence of discrimination and unfair treatment that if we could be bothered to take up in a court of law would probably bite them.

Message 9 of 10
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Re: 64gb sdhc memory cards

I noticed quite a few of the ones I reported are now NARU. The seller who had the last fake Makita has finally had his listings removed.....or they could have just run their course. He ended up with HUNDREDS of sold items. 


I also noticed this morning they are targeting new categories after they've had their listings removed from go-karts and pocket bikes. Trailers and trucks and commercial vehicles. They're cunning buggers!


I ended up emailing eBay yesterday about the listings they didn't seem to want to remove via the report link. All bar 1 have been removed, and most made NARU. Being the weekend, I'm expecting another influx.


The one remaining one is starting to get negs come in. He already had 2, with one saying it was a fake listing in a category with no buyer protection. The most recent one (appeared since this morning) states that the item was never sent. I can only assume that more red dots will start to roll in.

Message 10 of 10
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