Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

Hi I would like to ask all of those buying up toilet paper and paper towels from supermarkets and re-selling on ebay to stop this practice. It is really un-Australian, selfish and doesn't take into account the fact that people in need and who are physically or mentally able to go shopping are missing out. Instead how about you give it away to those in need. Also Ebay you should be controlling this. Take and stand and give us back some confidence that you have some respect and care for the community. Thank you 

Message 1 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

Honored Contributor



Thanks for spamming the boards with yet another thread on toilet paper sellers.


Why can't people read the boards before starting another thread on the same subject which is done to death.


Read the Discussion/Buying/Selling boards and count 'em.

Message 2 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

If you want to ask them, then ask THEM, instead of hiding on the forum where they will never see your post


Send the sellers a message and tell them


Contact eBay and tell them



99% of sellers who read here are decent people and sick to death of people like yourself spamming the forum ,blaming us for what eBay allow, what 'these' sellers do and other toilet related trash talk that WE have nothing to do with


Funny how out of the 30 odd spammers 'complaining' only ONE has had the guts to to DO anything 

Message 3 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

Honored Contributor

@tinygalaxy wrote:

Hi I would like to ask all of those buying up toilet paper and paper towels from supermarkets and re-selling on ebay to stop this practice. It is really un-Australian, selfish and doesn't take into account the fact that people in need and who are physically or mentally able to go shopping are missing out. Instead how about you give it away to those in need. Also Ebay you should be controlling this. Take and stand and give us back some confidence that you have some respect and care for the community. Thank you 

You are unlikely to find anyone on the boards who is buying up toilet paper and paper towels to resell on ebay.....and if there are any such people they are unlikely to admit it.


Nobody at ebay will see your thread as they do not read here.


At least your post is not as abusive as most of the others on the same subject.

Message 4 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

Yeah, I have 3 container-loads of toilet paper, sanitizer, paper towels, baked beans, frozen peas and bread that I'm selling on another ID.


As soon as I've flogged the lot and bought a mansion in Peppermint Grove, I'll certainly do as you suggest and STOP selling all those things.


.............I jest of course..................

"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 5 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

Not applicable

If I got a dollar every time i see one of these threads I would be rich. 😆

Message 6 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

@tinygalaxy wrote:

Hi I would like to ask all of those buying up toilet paper and paper towels from supermarkets and re-selling on ebay to stop this practice. It is really un-Australian, selfish and doesn't take into account the fact that people in need and who are physically or mentally able to go shopping are missing out. Instead how about you give it away to those in need. Also Ebay you should be controlling this. Take and stand and give us back some confidence that you have some respect and care for the community. Thank you 

Just had a quick look at "Toilet paper" on EBay, it appears that there is little of local brands for sale but a lot of overseas items for sale. I also think that all these suggestions that EBay can control the sale of toilet paper and sanitisers are useless and naive

Message 7 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

@padi*0409 wrote:

Yeah, I have 3 container-loads of toilet paper, sanitizer, paper towels, baked beans, frozen peas and bread that I'm selling on another ID.


As soon as I've flogged the lot and bought a mansion in Peppermint Grove, I'll certainly do as you suggest and STOP selling all those things.


.............I jest of course..................

Liar liar pants on fire. You have 7 container loads. I saw them on your Facebook page. Don't come across as the sweet innocent non hoarder. I know your type. You HEATHEN!


Now, give me back my frozen peas and baked beans that you stole, or else.

I'll let you keep the frozen peas for 2 packs of rolled oats
Any brand
The N Man is suffering. Badly.
He had to have weetbix and cornflakes tonight.
I'll chuck in 2 tins of tomatoes, a dozen free range eggs, 985kg of mince,,,,
And a partridge in a pear tree,
You ain't getting the pears though.
OK, I'll also chuck in a packet of pasta 
795kg of rice
and 45 bottles of spaghetti sauce. 
And maybe 2kg of banana prawns
and 500g of smoked salmon for the mutts
I mean bats.
And if you're really desperate........
Some freshly ground toilet paper, infused with Basil and Oregano, with olive oil,.to go with the pasta dish,
PS: Sanitiser in Australia is spelt with an S
PPS where is Pepeermint Grove?
Message 8 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

Liar liar pants on fire. You have 7 container loads. I saw them on your Facebook page. Don't come across as the sweet innocent non hoarder. I know your type. You HEATHEN!

No Tippy, it's 3 containers and a tiny little storage unit - which I can't find the jolly key for, so I'm in a meltdown situation now......


Did I mention we're having Extra Large Thai Green Curried prawns tonight ?
.............and South African Boerewors.............



"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 9 of 18
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Re: Are you buying up toilet paper and re-selling it here?

Only 500g of smoked salmon?   That would not touch the sides.Smiley LOL

Message 10 of 18
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