Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

If I added a buyer into my block list, would the buyer be able to change their account name and then bypass the block?

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

I had a competitor on here that put me through the ringer for over a year, until ebay finally caught up with them:


But there is no way to bypass a block on an account that you have already blocked. When the user changes their ebay user name, the block list will update the ebay users name accordingly (it is automatic).


The only way to circumvent being on a block list is to open an additional account: which ebay condones: as I believe users can have up to 8 accounts (?) (And ebay IS BAFFLED as to why is has a clear TRANSPARENCY PROBLEM????? ****snort chuckle) 


So any new accounts created by a member that was intially blocked by you will in turn will need to be added to you block list.



Make sense? Hope this helps. ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck 

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

Except when you  open an account with a different name and address (a dummy account)- I believe ebay is rife with them.


Probably as many illegitimiate accounts on here as primary user accounts.


If primary users can have up to 7 secondary accounts? I think the maths is alarming.......


*one account for shill bidding

*one account for just being a sadistic **bleep**er

*one account for selling what I want to sell on my other accounts, but for more money to make the items i want to sell more attractive

*one account for buying my womens lingere (my fetish account)

*one account for buying projectiles to hit Tony Abbott in the face with (Now a superfluous account)

*one account for for being covert and unaccountable troll D**khead on the ebay community chat forum

*one account for whimsys sake (*unspecified)


I do not profess to be one of those who chooses to scatter my ebay reputation numbers vastly: I like all my stars in the one place.


*Ebay- We salute you


E is for your endurance



Y has all my hair fallen out?


Ebay set the tone: dissonance, inconsistency, and unaccountability...


Our job is not to be corrupted by the vicissitudes of ebays incompetence. Ebay sellers are running this show. Ebay knows it. We know it. We just sick in the back seat, doing the driving for the noobs in administrational management, who juggle and have keepers parade around their adorned circus animals around their boardroom, as they watch their stocks rise off of our backs, blood, sweat and tears.


Ebay sellers should receive shares for building this trusted brand of a company. The only thing trustworthy about it is us.





Message 12 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

I have 3.


One I post on the boards and buy with.

One I use the 40 free to 'pre'-list

My main selling ID which there is no way I would deliberately expose on the boards.


All legitimate uses, but I generally don't attribute my woes to 'others', because that means I have given over control of my life.


If you're good with that, then go for it.

Message 13 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

@melbournegameframe wrote:

The only way to circumvent being on a block list is to open an additional account: which ebay condones: as I believe users can have up to 8 accounts (?) (And ebay IS BAFFLED as to why is has a clear TRANSPARENCY PROBLEM????? ****snort chuckle) 


I think you are confusing the number of ebay accounts that a member can have with the number of ebay accounts that can be linked to one paypal account.....that is 8.

I don't think I have ever read of a limit to the number of ebay accounts a member can have....although I stand to be corrected if anyone can find a ruling from ebay.

Message 14 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

The culture here is pretty **bleep**, and the people who frequent it are terrible at dispensing advice. and in the most part they are just here to fill their void, with more smart **bleep** self esteeming going on than ebay members pesent to help people elucidate and fathom out their issues, when ebay is such a convoluted mess.....




With so many snide and "I don't have time for you" attitudes flying around here in a help forum, I guess this forum in itself wil be redundant enough when the free offer listings dry up.....................





Message 15 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

And to be consistent with what I have observed: i offer the following:


'but I generally don't attribute my woes to 'others', because that means I have given over control of my life'


Thank you for sharing you story.


Control of my life? I just want **bleep**ing control of my ebay account- My "life" is just fine thanks.



Message 16 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

I am going off that which i have previously read on an ebay thread. Ebay is a convoluted place.



I know it is a dangerous thing to give credence to just anyone on these discussion boards.


I am just here to throw fecal matter like a primitive monkey.



***I am amenable, timid, and measured: until you throw me bananas.... and then, well: then the eponymous ensues.....

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

@melbournegameframe wrote:

I know it is a dangerous thing to give credence to just anyone on these discussion boards.


I am just here to throw fecal matter like a primitive monkey.



Well please don't take aim at me.....I just corrected a comment that you made that was incorrect.


If you don't like the answers just ignore them.

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

I've been trying to get in touch with an eBay buyer but he has been blocked. I don't have anyone on my blocked list, and he has paid me for an item I've sold to him. What can I do?
Message 19 of 21
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Re: Blocking buyers - what if they changed their account name?

I've been trying to get in touch with an eBay buyer but he has been blocked. I don't have anyone on my blocked list, and he has paid me for an item I've sold to him. What can I do?

Send him the item? That's what most sellers do after the buyer has paid.


Please also, if you have an issue, start a new thread. Don't drag up one that's 3yo.

Message 20 of 21
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