Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

Return ID: 5061772006 - Buyer wants to keep the item and offered to be partialy refunded = $50  -  How to proceed?


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Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

Why does he want a partial refund? That is the main question.


If there is nothing wrong with the item, there's no reason to refund anything.

If there is something wrong, they should return it for a refund.

If it's good enough to keep, its good enough to be paid for.


You'll need to give more info.

Message 2 of 9
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Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

Honored Contributor

Not ebay.   Just other members here.


Is that the neg you just got?


Did you send everything?     


Your listing stated it was for parts only, so what more do they want?


I think they just want to get it cheaper.


Message 3 of 9
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Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

If it's for the camera, tell them to get stuffed. It's listed for parts. My guess is they just looked at the photo and not the title or description. What paers would be missing? Not much I could see that could be missing off a camera shell, apart from maybe the strap. You didn't list anything that was or wasn't with the camera. You didn't have parts included listed. 


Give them nothing. They've trashed your feedback. They've realised they paid more than they should have. I wouldn't be giving them one single cent. Ignore any more messages from them. DO NOT GIVE IN TO THEIR DEMANDS. They are in the wrong, not you.

Message 4 of 9
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Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

Honored Contributor

I'd also try and get that feedback removed.


Not allowed to use obscenities in feedback


Worth a try.

Message 5 of 9
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Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

This could be a real test on ebay's statement that they treal sellers and buyers both equally if it went to a claim. Surely the seller would win, but...............let's see. Stand your ground.

Message 6 of 9
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Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

After having a look at the listing on this one, I would be careful if it goes as far as a claim. This buyer, like many is assuming things that they shouldn't be, without asking questions before they buy, and ebay seems to go their way if they go to them crying. Ask them quicksmart which parts are missing, and if it is anything internal, they will beat you, as you have let them assume that it was complete by not saying that. I know it seems harsh, but that it the way of ebay. We  need a lawyer to write our listings so we don't get caught. You stated you dropped the camera, but you should have said that it is complete with nothing removed  other than what you can see from the outside. You really have to cover everything these days, and then you could still get horsewhipped at the end.

Message 7 of 9
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Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

I cannot see what is the buyer problem. It is clearly stated it is for parts only. Ask the buyer what exactly they are complaining about.

The buyer may even repair it and sells it for $500-600, they just want to make their profit more.

I am with tippytoes, tell them to get stuffed or return a camera for a full refund,. This camera costs almost $1400 brand new and $136 for a spare parts unit is a way too low.
Decoroo - Custom made wooden products
Message 8 of 9
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Buyer made an offer on item to be returned

These days you have to dot all the i's and cross the t's otherwise ebay will side with the scamming buyer.  I have just lost a case because the buyer was able to ''assume'' that the item sold was a different series to the item that he wanted.  Hopefully I may still do okay as he has failed to return it.   The item was as new, and faultless. If selling something for parts you probably have to say ''complete but not working'', or if anything is missing, you probably should itemise them. Even then, a buyer claim will most likely win with the current rules.  As I stated earlier, sellers will need a lawyer to write listings for them.

Message 9 of 9
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