Buyer said items missing from delivery for the third time

Hi I would appreciate some advice. My buyer has received an order ffrom me and contacted me to tell me several items were missing. This is the third time this customer has reported missing items from orders I have sent. I have replaced the items from prior orders even though I am sure they were packed. We tick items off as we pack them. So the picker has ticked them and then the packer ticked them. This order it was checked three times as we decided to make sure the order was right and on the 3rd check we called out item numbers and put a third tick next to each item.


Here's the issue I am having, this customer is my best customer and I don't know how to handle this. I want to keep her as a customer but should I allow this to continue and refund the money for the "missing items" again? The items don't add up to a lot - 2% of the total order this time, but she is stealing from me regardless. I am struggling with the morality and don't know what to say to her. Do I insist that the items were packed and not refund her therefore possibly losing her as a customer - I don't want to lose her as a customer but can I/should I allow this to continue? Next time it might be for a much larger amount. What to say to her?

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Buyer said items missing from delivery for the third time

@pennyforum14 wrote:

   There is usually a lengthy gap before the buyer returns to order again, but most do return.

Kudos to your friend's procedure, more and more of my practices have become along similar lines, sadly. I couldn't let them buy from me again, though, aside from the fact that I take it kinda personally when someone tries to pull one over on me, lying to me, or attempting to lie = automatic loss of all buying privileges from me, no correspondence can be entered into... sometimes I even kind of want people to attempt to buy and find that they're blocked, just so they know that I know, and feel the burn of my knowing, angry glare when that notification telling them I'm not accepting purchases from them anymore pops up on their screen....


 เฒ _เฒ 


(I don't mean it's a privilige to be able to buy from me in the elitist sense, just to clarify Smiley Very Happy )

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Buyer said items missing from delivery for the third time

Yes I like this approach, particularly the Stat Dec. I have had several buyers over the last couple of months tell me that they have not received items in their orders, when I am almost certain that they were included and this was backed up by stock counts. Time to put some procedures in place I think.

Message 12 of 17
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Re: Buyer said items missing from delivery for the third time

Yes suspicious indeed! I think you are right but I wanted to keep her as a customer but I couldn't really accuse her of lying so I just refunded her. No more. Thanks for your help!
Message 13 of 17
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Re: Buyer said items missing from delivery for the third time

@banter0416 wrote:

Thanks Ghost I can see that this is one of your buttons too. I don't blame you at all in fact I agree totally. I lost my business 10 years ago because of employee (mainly) and customer theft and I went through a dreadful period afterwards. I am still trying to get back a decent livelihood after starting again, and it really boils my blood when people lie and steal from me now.

Thank you for your frank words, I will take them on board when I construct a reply to this woman.

I meant to add this in one of my previous replies, as sometimes it helps, but never be afraid to tell someone the truth (by which I mean facts as you know them).


So, this person has made a claim, and the facts you have on hand contradict their claim somewhat. You can keep things relatively amicable if all you do is list facts in a calm and friendly manner, and in a way that (as suggested above) reassures someone you'll work with them.


If it helps at all, I'd probably start out with phrases like... I'm sorry to hear your order was missing items, as well as very surprised and concerned as this order was subject to several stringent checks prior to shipping. I've thoroughly rechecked all of records and so far have not been able to determine where or how this oversight occurred as our remaining stock levels, order records, and recorded package weight all indicate that all items were sent. (then you can continue on with asking some clarifying questions about what they received, ask them to double-check the packaging, remind them the info is required so that you can continue to improve your order processing etc so they don't feel like they're getting the third degree and become defensive, determine what you'll do if they insist the items are missing and refer to it briefly, but don't offer anything specifically unless / until they reply and insist the items were missing). 

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Buyer said items missing from delivery for the third time

Yes I have craft Items too and I have noticed the same thing. Taking photos does seem like a pain in the rear. We use ticks against items by each person who handles the order i.e. the picker places a tick for each item and when they order more than one of the same item - say three, then they put three ticks next to the item as they place them in the bag. The packer them ticks off each item in the same manner in a different colour pen, so we are pretty sure the item is in the parcel. However like your photos it does not count as proof.


I am leaning towards the advice from most respondents here and asking about packaging condition, Stat Dec. Police report etc. That should put the wind up here.

Many thanks

Message 15 of 17
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Re: Buyer said items missing from delivery for the third time

Maybe email her and just politely advise that due to several orders having "missing" items could she photograph the next order package she receives before opening it. At least that way you should be able to tell if it has been tampered with, although if she is simply stealing the items she claims are missing it wouldn't be hard to open the parcel take out a couple of items and reseal it, then photograph to show its been tampered with.


it might be worth contacting AP and letting them know that this person has claimed missing items several times and is there anyway they can put some kind of "watch" on her parcel deliveries.


i guess at the end of the day the only other option is send all her orders separately without combining them.

Message 16 of 17
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Re: Buyer said items missing from delivery for the third time

After the third order, AP should be notified regardless of "scaring" the buyer straight.

For a couple of reasons.

Possibly, there is a magpie in the system at the buyer's sorting centre/delivery chain (unlikely...but...)

AP might like to know they are essentially, being accused of theft, if all items are accounted for prior to lodgement.




Definitely ask the buyer about the condition of the package upon receipt. Also, AP are pretty good at taping any accidentally opened parcels (torn, tape loose, etc.), to show they were damaged in transit and not "tampered" with.



Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
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