Coronavirus COVID-19 - Economic impact on eBay Sellers. "Where there's Confusion there's Profit"

A friend once quoted "Where there's Confusion there's Profit".... "Where there's more Confusion there's more Profit".


Post your observations, stories, advice and Seller tips here to share.

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Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 - Economic impact on eBay Sellers. "Where there's Confusion there's Pr wrote:



As we know cheap price and fast delivery does not exist. Australian buyers effected by slow international delivery times through COVID might begin to learn and understand why Australian sellers products cost more due to our higher postage costs, but arrive much sooner...

Even those of us who don't order from China can't help but know it - the slogan keeps getting repeated across these boards by one poster in particular...

Message 71 of 72
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Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 - Economic impact on eBay Sellers. "Where there's Confusion there's Pr wrote:



As we know cheap price and fast delivery does not exist. Australian buyers effected by slow international delivery times through COVID might begin to learn and understand why Australian sellers products cost more due to our higher postage costs, but arrive much sooner...

It's all a bit subjective, though, isn't it?


I mean, it's subjective what one finds "cheap" and / or "fast", and is even subject to change from transaction to transaction by the same buyer. 


And I think most of those who purchase from China specifically for cheaper prices, already know what the trade-off is, by and large. Price and delivery time are also not the only two factors that drive purchase decisions, so they are not the only two ways a seller can distinguish themselves, should one be looking to stand out from, for example, Chinese competitors.


In some ways you're giving people too much credit, and in other ways not enough. Buyers aren't going to learn why Aus Post charges are what they are just because international postage prices are increasing and parcels are taking longer to arrive, local prices are just going to become a little more attractive to those who do purchase from OS for lower prices due to the narrowed gap. 

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