False Feedback

Hi. If anyone has any information about this issue please let me know.

Regarding false feedback left (apparently from myself) for an order that hasn't even arrived. Says I've left feedback but I actually didn't. The content of the feedback comments are directed to a buyer, (as if they had purchased something from me) How did this feedback even get there? Does anybody know? Thanks 

Message 1 of 10
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False Feedback

A similar thing happened to me recently too! I went to leave feedback on the day the item arrived and "low and behold" there was glowing feedback already there (mine definitely would not have been so glowing). I couldn't find any way to undo the feedback left! Curiouser and curiouser!


Message 2 of 10
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False Feedback

Honored Contributor

Ebay, in their infinite wisdom, have pre-filled the feedback - go figure!


If you click on it, it disappears and you can leave your own feedback

Message 3 of 10
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False Feedback

Thanks for the idea, tried but wouldn't change, so I have left mine as follow up ๐Ÿ˜•  


Message 4 of 10
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False Feedback

You have to click on the script, then start typing and it will disappear, and your text goes in it's place.


Unless you're using the app maybe that's different, I don't know because I only use a computer.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 5 of 10
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False Feedback

It sounds like the OP had feedback already published, rather than the prefilled box when going to leave feedback.

Message 6 of 10
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False Feedback

Sometimes, when you leave fb for a seller and then eBay asks if you want to leave more fb for other sellers, it is possible to make mistakes because the field to leave fb is just above the next seller and fb, and sometimes people might think they are leaving fb for that seller (I think).

I wonder if this is what happened?

Otherwise it would be really strange. If the OP never wrote that fb for anyone maybe somebody else has access to his or her computer?

Message 7 of 10
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False Feedback

Hi. Thanks so much for your reply and for all replies. No mistake made as the order hasn't even arrived. As I check off received orders I choose to leave feedback at the same time. I have always done it this way. Check off the order, leave feedback.

No one else uses my computer and besides the said feedback is worded as me being the seller (I was the buyer). For instance two out of the five separate feedback entries said "Good Buyer, Prompt Payment, Valued customer"  I wouldn't mind so much otherwise but the order is overdue and I'm concerned that if I try to claim for 'order not received' it might prove difficult seeing feedback albeit false has been left. Thank you once again ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 8 of 10
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False Feedback

Thanks Padi I will try this when and if the order arrives ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 9 of 10
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False Feedback



Going back in your feedback (page 6), you do have feedback that you left to some buyers with almost that wording:


โGood buyer, prompt payment, highly recommended.โž


My thought was that you might have started to type feedback which auto-completed itself from previous feedback. But obviously thatโ€™s not the caseโ€ฆ Your previously given feedback might be close but itโ€™s not exactly the same wording.


Can sellers here weigh in on whether the default feedback comment is along these lines? (But the default feedback doesnโ€™t seem to be postableโ€ฆ)


It really seems to be the result of a glitch.


If the items donโ€™t arrive within the stated timeframe, the feedback shouldnโ€™t affect your ability to open a dispute for refund, though. Just keep an eye on the latest Expected Delivery Date, and if you have to, open that dispute within 30 days of that date.


In the meantime, if you are worried, you can contact eBay Live Chat, and explain that you donโ€™t know why the feedback is there, that you did not give it, that the items have not even arrived yet (but they are still within the EDD), and that the feedback is not even suitable as you are the buyer, not the seller, and that you think the feedback has somehow been automatically generated without your volition.




Message 10 of 10
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