Giving up on ebay selling

This may sound like sour grapes, however I don't mean for it to be....


I have decided not to sell on ebay anymore.  I am sick of being at the whim of buyers in regards to feedback.  I try to go out of my way to describe the items accurately, I don't overcharge for postage, I post the day the item is paid for, I wrap the item as if it has been sold from an expensive boutique (at my cost).  The buyer doesn't read the listing and then complains about their purchase.  I offer a refund (although it's not my fault) and they give you negative feedback.


I am not a big time seller - just a few things here and there.  I predominantly purchase things on ebay.  I only have given negative  feedback in one instance when the seller outright abused me.  I don't buy from people who have been given negative feedback & I hesitate about purchasing from people with neutral feedback.  Stupidly, because I assume other people leave feedback like I do.


There should be a better review system for when buyers leave unfair feedback.  Me just responding to their stupid feedback is worthless because how much weight do people give my response - of course I'm going to say the buyer was the one in the wrong.  If ebay responded, that would be given greater weight by potential buyers.


Anyway - I just neede to vent I guess.

Good bye ebay.  My selling days are over. 

Message 1 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

Having checked your %, you shouldn't let 1 buyer affect you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 2 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

I know I'm taking it way too personally - but I feel like every time I sell something I am holding my breath until I get the feedback.  I just wish it wasn't so stacked against the seller.


Perhaps it is more of my own anxiety, rather than an ebay flaw.

Message 3 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

Ebay system should allow sellers to leave negative feedback upon buyers, that is something that quirks quite a few sellers it seems. Relax & take a few days off > then reconsider listing some things. Don't let one buyer put you off. Cheers. ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 4 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

Perhaps you just need a wee break for a while. Don't worry about feedback, you can't change it. All you can do is your best and you are never going to please everyone. Take a couple of weeks off and think about it.
Message 5 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

I know exactly how you feel and i don't blame you. You are correct in your way of thinking.

Message 6 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

Please don't give up. Don't let that buyer put you off. Ever heard the saying "You can't please everybody all the time"? 

Well I can tell you there are some buyers that love nothing more than complaining about everything they buy. You have been unlucky to strike one. I know I have struck a few over the years. They never read the listing properly or ask questions,  then feel they have the right to complain even when the seller does everything right. They follow this up with disgusting feedback

. I don't like the way that ebay won't let sellers give bad feedback for bad buyers. I guess I get my turn when I reply to their feedback. I can then say whatever i like.  I can respond to their lies with the truth and let others decide. Don't stress the feedback. Remember a lot of buyers are also sellers and know how hard it is. There are a lot more good ones than bad.

Message 7 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

Sometimes you just have to develop a thick skin it seems.


Most buyers are pretty reasonable but every so often we all encounter a nasty one.


It's all a matter of perspective so don't let it get to you.


Sometimes it's not a bad idea to look at the feedback of some of the big sellers to understand just how well you are doing personally..


There are a few large UK sellers in books that rack up over 100 Neutrals and Negatives per month.

Message 8 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

I was ready to throw in the towel on the weekend, but decided I wasn't going to let one buyer ruin it for me. Not when all my other buyers have been hassle free and do the right thing. Even my non payers are minimal.

Message 9 of 33
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Re: Giving up on ebay selling

Ive felt like throwing in the towel with ebay as well. My reason this time is the 3 lots of fees now. FVF,Postage fee and paypal.

To make a profit you have to sell something worth alot of money. Oh well. 

Message 10 of 33
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