I'm not able to complete my listing even from a saved draft.

Community Member

For some reason i'm not able to complete my listing.

and when i go back to a saved draft the detail box is blank instead of being saved.


I think it might have to do with java.


I am using firefox with noscript installed and java is not installed on my computer.



It just shows a blank:


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Re: I'm not able to complete my listing even from a saved draft.

I've been having trouble for the last 2 days....but with photos....I try to upload 12 & the system attaches 14 (obviously duplicates) - a message comes up saying to delete 2 photos but you can't so you have to START AGAIN.....grrr....am using Firefox too
Message 2 of 7
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Re: I'm not able to complete my listing even from a saved draft.

Yeah it is frustrating, I haven't put anything up on ebay for a very long time. Does anyone have the same problem or know why this is happening?

Message 3 of 7
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Re: I'm not able to complete my listing even from a saved draft.

You might need to whitelist eBay in NoScript. I haven't use it for ages so can't remember how it's done.

Message 4 of 7
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Re: I'm not able to complete my listing even from a saved draft.

Been having problems for a few days - I write a listing as usual, click on the button to complete and it says in red letters ''enter a valid value' which is already there, and then there's some message about my photos not being in the correct format.  I try to delete the photos to upload them again - and nothing happens.  Can't delete or upload photos.

So I save the listing as a draft, go back into it to try and complete it, and the same thing happens.

I end up having to redo the advert from scratch, usually with success.

It's happened a few times now - and I've been doing nothing out of the ordinary with my listings or photos.


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Re: I'm not able to complete my listing even from a saved draft.

I think if i ever do list another item up i will try and whitelist in noscript. The thing is usually i can just "temporary allow all this page" on other sites and it would let me do whatever needs to be done, while when i did that on ebay it still didn't work. This was a head scratcher so i just ended up using the ipad to finish of the draft. From what i remember it was much better to post items up a long time ago.
Message 6 of 7
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Re: I'm not able to complete my listing even from a saved draft.

Can you turn noscript off while doing listings? There's one site I visit occasionally where I need to disable adblock to view it (sneaky buggers have worked out how to force people to see ads! If adblock is on you can't see anything except a pop up saying turn your adblocker off or pay a subscription). I just go into my settings, disable while I view that site, then go back and re enable when I'm done. Takes all of 5 seconds. I just have to remember not to view other sites because you really forget just how many ads there are!

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