I want to use Australia Post

Hi and thanks for any assistance you may offer. Firstly there were no keyboards when I went to school, so you can guess my age. I regularly buy items on eBay but I'm new to selling on eBay. Ok, my items are small, not expensive, and qualify for Australia Post regular letter which it $2.20. There's no dropdown menu postage for regular domestic postage, so I'm guessing there isn't one. .Also, I have a pile of Australia Post postage stamps that I need and plan to use.  Where and how do I tick the item as being sent without having used a printed postage label?  It seems like you have to print a postage label to activate the "sent" box. Is this the case?? Help

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Re: I want to use Australia Post

Firstly make sure you have signed up for managed payments.


There is no reason you can't send by large letter - think there is same - untracked letter on the dropdown - just scroll through it's there.


Also there is an option to simply mark ' sent ' - using your own addressed letters & stamps.


I hope you do well.

Message 2 of 26
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Re: I want to use Australia Post

You need to be fully signed up and ID verified for the new Managed Payments system. There is no more Paypal for sellers. You'll need either a current passport or drivers licence as well as a bank account in the same name as the documents.


Are you fully signed up and have you read the sellers guide?


Once you are verified, then start listing, but one of the requirements for new/infrequent sellers is that your funds will be on hold between 21-30 days, or until you can show tracked delivery. If you're using stamps, your money will probably stay pending for the max amount of holding days. This is to ensure that you are a low risk, reliable seller and can prove yourself. Bear in mind that if you're only sending with stamp and someone opens a dispute/case, you will lose every time as you cannot prove that you sent it.


You don't need postage labels to mark as sent - just take to the counter and lodge and then there is an option to "mark as sent" in the transaction drop down


Is there a reason you can't send the items tracked and charge the buyer accordingly? Why do you want to send untracked? If you're just selling that necklace, you could put it in a small domestic tracked letter, which I think are around $3.00?

Message 3 of 26
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Re: I want to use Australia Post

Thanks for your reply..I found the dropdown mark as "sent" option. Cheers

Message 4 of 26
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Re: I want to use Australia Post

No keyboards?,(we had a piano in the corner)  but do you remember mixing your ink for the ink well and the good old nib on a stick.

Anyway re your postage,   AP has had a major crackdown on invalid items being sent as letters,  as such there is every possibility that the item will be detected and either returned to sender or only delivered to the buyer upon receipt of correct postage and penalty fees.  There is also the possibility that that particular item may be damaged or damage/jam sorting machines.

AP's Crackdown also extends to parcel post and they now have machines that auto detect the exact size and weight  of parcels  and remove the item from shipping if there is any discrepancy  with details logged to the barcode.  I got pinged a couple of weeks back because one measurement was apparently 5mm short, which apparently by cubic weight meant the item was underpaid by $3.80,  so I was billed the extra by mypost business, but at least they did not apply any penalty fees, just a friendly warning to be more careful when declaring weights and measurments.

Message 5 of 26
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Re: I want to use Australia Post

Before giving this advice - please check - domestic tracked letter - can it contain other than documents.

Message 6 of 26
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Re: I want to use Australia Post

Sorry GP - I've only just read your reply - exactly.


The only way I've found has been large letter - in a padded envelope - $2.20 with Registered Post - around another $4.

Message 7 of 26
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Re: I want to use Australia Post

Hi again..I took my package to an Australia Post Post office, and they checked out the size, etc..and told me it was suitable for the Domestic Regular Letter rate ($2.20). I've bought quite a lot on eBay but not in selling. Its a learning curve.

Message 8 of 26
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Re: I want to use Australia Post

Good - but think the only way to get around - no tracking - is Registered.


Perhaps you will just have to rely on the - most buyers are honest - will leave feedback - or not open any case - and you will do OK.


No cases means - payment.

Message 9 of 26
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Re: I want to use Australia Post

Cheers Jellybird, I am still waiting for the micro-deposit for banking verification.  I've purchased lots on eBay since 2008,  but not much selling at all. My ID verification is done and approved.. I spoke in chat to eBay customer service last Thursday (19th) and was told the micro amounts should show up in my nominated account yesterday (Friday 19th).  It's now Saturday the 20th evening and still no` deposits. I only use that account for online shopping..Very frustrating as I want to list more items.. Once it's all verified I'll look into that letter tracking..Thanks

Message 10 of 26
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