It is too complicated and time consuming to try and sell on ebay with this new system.

It was just too complicated to post an item on ebay now with all this create a policy rubbish, took 5 mins on Gumtree. Guess where i'm selling stuff now.

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Re: It is too complicated and time consuming to try and sell on ebay with this new system.

@davewil1964 wrote:

Can't see any mention of it becoming mandatory. 

FAQ #6 in the second link.


It's been implemented on this ID, and it affects / changes nothing but the amount of time it takes me to create a listing. First one, maybe a minute or two longer, all subsequent listings a minute or two shorter.



Message 11 of 16
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Re: It is too complicated and time consuming to try and sell on ebay with this new system.

Yet another idiot move by the muppets that call themselves developers at ebay! 


Now whenever trying to add/revise items I get multiple  payment policy, shipping policy & return policy errors everytime! All I want to do is add some photos but no chance in hell of that happening after listing cause BIZ POLICES as above come back saying no cant save etc etc!


First poster is right it's getting more & more complicated & time consuming to list these days with all this **bleep** going on...



Message 12 of 16
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Re: It is too complicated and time consuming to try and sell on ebay with this new system.

It was just too complicated to post an item on ebay now with all this create a policy rubbish, took 5 mins on Gumtree. Guess where i'm selling stuff now.



I don't know what it is like on ebay now, but it is really easy  to sell on gumtree, and it works well for larger items, the sort you pick up.


I like it as there is no feedback, people come, look and either buy or don't buy, but that's the end of it.


It doesn't work so well for small items and you can't really offer postage as why on earth would anyone pay into your account or for postage? There isn't that element of trust, though some do offer postage. 

So it has its good points and bad, but for sure, for bigger items it is great, with no commissions to pay.

Message 13 of 16
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Re: It is too complicated and time consuming to try and sell on ebay with this new system.

I have spent hours trying to make sense of what is being offered.

Prior to this complicated way I was able to see the following in a vertical column.


Active selling



All these were closely spaced and could be viewed with many items on page.

I have not managed to set up what is offered. 

Can anyone suggest a way.


Message 14 of 16
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Re: It is too complicated and time consuming to try and sell on ebay with this new system.

It might be better to start your own topic on this, rather than comment on a thread that is over 7 years old

There have been many changing since what the topic you are adding to is about, so unlikely very many people will see this here as being about the changes that have just happened 


I am not selling at the moment so cannot offer anything from personal experience with this

Message 15 of 16
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Re: It is too complicated and time consuming to try and sell on ebay with this new system.

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 16 of 16
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