Item not received advice

Good morning all.


Today I got the following message:

Hello, how big was the parcel, i never received card from australia post or parcel was never delivered to me. In the tracking it says it has been delivered. How it is possible while i never received parcel . Neither me or nor my wife have received parcel it says delivered. The parcel wont fit in my post box , my post box is small. I went to post office they suggested me to contact seller. I surprised that no body received parcel and it says delivered. Its very unusual situation. Please reply.


The item was a 500g satchel and was posted on the 11th and delivered on the 16th. They are contacting me on the 24th.


How do I go about responding?



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Re: Item not received advice

I would just tell them you are sorry but as AP shows it has been delivered there is nothing you can do however they should contact AP again and fill in a complaint form if they did not get the parcel. Deliveries have all sorts of gps tracking, photos etc now I believe so that may shed some light on what has happened.


You should be covered in the event of an ebay or Paypal claim although it does not mean for sure that the buyer is telling porkies, a delivery person may have stuffed up, it may have been safe dropped and somebody has pinched it.


It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 2 of 9
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Re: Item not received advice

I had a similar situation a couple of months back - buyer got in touch and told me she hadn't received her item. I checked the tracking, and it showed as "delivered".


As it was a small ($5) item, I sent a replacement. A week later, I got a message saying that she'd received the second item - and found the first. The postman had "safe-dropped" it, somewhere where she hadn't thought to look...

Your buyer's waited for just on a fortnight before getting in touch, which is reasonable (some will be on your case within a couple of days). Really up to you how to proceed - you can issue a refund, or respond to the buyer and describe the satchel and ask them to check around the front of their house carefully in case the delivery guy hid it somewhere. If they don't find it, perhaps consider a refund.

Also check to see if their eBay delivery address and PayPal delivery address are the same - often, they're not. The PayPal one is the one to send to. If the item went to the eBay address instead, get the buyer to check there.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Item not received advice

All good advice above...

If they should open any INR case against you, then you should win it so long as the tracking shows that the delivery was made to the buyer's suburb/postcode.

... and so long as you used the buyers' postal address given by PayPal assuming the payment was made via PayPal.


But... once the tracking shows delivered Australia Post will normally not talk to the sender, only the receiver. So its really down to the buyer to chase them up for some form of compensation or to locate where it went.


My next door neighbour had one of these last year on an $80 tracked order that was misdelivered by the local driver. The driver eventually lost his contract (I assume it was not the first time). It took him 6-months of chasing AP. Eventually he lodged a complaint with the Ombudsman and AP compensated him for the full loss.

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Item not received advice

AP won't talk to the sender?

Funny as thats changed then because as a sender when an item got lost the buyer received their refund

and I as the seller had to chase it up with AP so I could be compensated for my loss.

It wasn't the buyers responsiblity it was mine and now you say it's the buyers responsiblity?

Selling must be so easy now?

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Item not received advice

After an item is "delivered", the sender no longer has the authority to check on the parcel. AP will only discuss details with the recipient after it's delivered, unless the recipient authorises AP to talk to sender.
Message 6 of 9
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Re: Item not received advice

Just an update.


I phoned the post office which looks after the street where the buyer is located. The lady confirmed with me that the buyer had come into her store and that she had told the buyer to lodge a complaint with Aus Post as the tracking says it was delivered.


I also went to the Aus Post website and I found a link for the buyer to lodge a complaint and have forwarded it to him. The link is SPECIFICALLY for cases where the recipient is claiming the item has not been received and the tracking data says that it has.

I have asked the buyer to keep me updated and to keep a copy of any correspondence with Aus Post.



Message 7 of 9
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Re: Item not received advice

If tracking shows "Delivered" then it's the receiver that needs to lodge an investigation with Aus Post.


If the tracking is showing "in transit" and has not been delivered it is the sender that needs to contact Aus Post.

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Item not received advice

I had one of these about 5 months ago. Buyer opened a dispute 5 weeks after the item showed as delivered. She lived in a small rural area, small enough where most would know each other and she had a PO box. Tracking showed delivered to her town. She asked at the PO and they said they must have put it in the wrong box. I told her that as it's showing as delivered, she needs to lodge an enquiry with AP as I can no longer do so. I gave her the link and explained the process.


I uploaded the tracking number into the dispute, but it wasn't registering as delivered in there. I contacted eBay via email and gave them the tracking number and they could see that it was showing delivered and they said to escalate the dispute when I was able. I was never able to escalate it, the option never appeared. I was also not wanting to escalate because we all know what happens as soon a seller escalates a case, regardless of any info provided!


I told the buyer that as the tracking showed as delivered, if she escalated the case, she would lose. So, she closed the case and left me negative feedback. Another email to eBay and the neg was removed inside 20 minutes.

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