Need some input.

I had some old roofing tiles listed ( over 300) &  a member wanted to look at them A time was arranged & they came out & bought them. After they left I thought I had better remove them from ebay in case another buyer clicked buy it now. & they were already sold   After loading them( pretty tiring) I did not think to  tell the buyer to  buy off ebay They lived 3 hours away & even if I did tell them there was a chance someone could try to buy them in the meantime & I would get a red dot for selling something I did not have..  We have no phone signal here so they could not have used their phone & would not want a stranger in my house using my computer I have now been suspended by ebay for breaking the rules What is one supposed to do in this situation

Message 1 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

Honored Contributor

How are you suspended?  You still have a store with 170 items for sale.


And how did ebay know that you sold them 'off ebay'?


Who told you that you were suspended for selling off ebay?


I also can't see a completed listing for roof tiles

Message 2 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

I am asking for advise in case in happens again not to  be questioned? The buyer emailed me to thank me so thats how they know ( also other emails about looking at them). I got a phone call  & email from ebay a few days later telling me I  have been suspended  & can't buy or list anything  new for 7 days  & if it happens again I will be banned from ebay.

Message 3 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

Then there's your answer.     Sit out the 7 days and never do it again.


There's nothing else to be done.    You can't appeal. 


At least they've given you a suspension for 7 days and not completely closed you down.


Some members have lost their selling privileges completely for less.


Just my opinion.   Someone else may have more to add.

Message 4 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

All I can say is what the **bleep**????????????????????

Message 5 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

I thought you might have something to add  

Message 6 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

I am asking for advise in case in happens again not to  be questioned?


How can anyone advise you if they do not have enough info, that is why we ask questions. If you just want a pitty party this is not the place.


How can you avoid it happening again? Let them log into their own ebay account on your computer, that does not give them access to any of your information, and make the purchase through ebay or make sure they know you are selling off ebay and cancel the listing before they hand over the cash. If you had done that then ebay would not have a clue you had sold off ebay.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 7 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

Honored Contributor

The buyer should have hit the Buy button before coming to inspect the item.

Because they were a pick up item they were not obliged to pay until they had inspected the tiles and decided they were as described and were satisfactory.


Alternately, if they were really set on inspecting before purchase you should not have allowed them to take the items before they had hit that Buy button.


My advice would have been option 1.


You are extremely lucky to only have had a 7 day suspension.   Your items are still visible and 7 days without any new listings is not too onerous.

Message 8 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

Thank you Lyndal for your helpfull & polite  answer without being sarcastic   I am not looking for pity just a way to handle it if  it occurs again & you have helped. Maybe others don't mind a stranger coming into their house & using your computer but I do.

Message 9 of 23
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Re: Need some input.

"Scuse me?       There have been no sarcastic replies on this thread.


You asked for advice without giving details. 


We can't answer properly without all the details.



Message 10 of 23
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