Negative Feedback - Suggestion for EBAY

I think that EBAY should not let buyers leave negative feedback if the buyer has made no attempt to advise the  seller that the item has not been received or that there is a problem.  Otherwise they need to bring in some sort of recourse for Sellers when there is a difficult buyer involved.  Ebay seem to be soft on Buyers and hard on Sellers in this situation.   They seem to forget that the Sellers are the one's paying their fees.

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Re: Negative Feedback - Suggestion for EBAY

Early on in eBay, you couldn't leave neg feedback unless you had made contact with the seller but many just decided to send a fullstop or question mark as a message then leave feedback.


Keeping in mind eBay is an automated online site used on a trust basis by it's members and there will always be the few that spoil it for the rest.


But granted, eBay definitely need to invest more time in looking at cases being appealled on individual merits by either buyer or seller.

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Re: Negative Feedback - Suggestion for EBAY

All they have to do is stop negative feedback unless a dispute has been opened.

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Re: Negative Feedback - Suggestion for EBAY

For your own negative, it's a lousy coupla bucks - no tracking, so you'll lose a dispute.


Refund them and send them a politely worded message that you have refunded them in full,  sending them as well a request for feedback revision.


Keep it pleasant and they may turn your red into a green

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Re: Negative Feedback - Suggestion for EBAY

@jazzmagpie wrote:

All they have to do is stop negative feedback unless a dispute has been opened.

There are many scenarios whereas that wouldn't work.


I will leave a neg to warn others for a Chinese seller stating the item is in Melbourne (same city as I am in) and takes 6 weeks to get to me. (No need for a dispute to be opened)


And what of unsuccessful disputes (eBay see in favour of seller) whereas it's been a nightmare for the buyer ?


It's a very valid point you make however this suggestion won't work with the current system.

I'm open to other suggestion though.



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Re: Negative Feedback - Suggestion for EBAY

Community Member

There are reasons why Ebay has done what it has with feedback (and non of it legal within Australia).
The fairest systems should be that a seller can leave feedback and/or that a buyer is only allowed to leave a specific number of negatives per year. 

In my entire time on Ebay I have left one negative over 12 years. Nearly every situation can be resolved if you have the courtesy to contact the seller when unhappy.

What I also discovered is that Ebay allows blatantly false feedbacks to be left as long as they put an 'opinion' within the feedback as well. Ebay says if a feedback has 2 or more parts then they cannot remove it if one of those parts is an 'opinion' of the buyer.
Meaning you can slander or lie your heart out with the rest of the feedback. I recently experienced such an issue

Don't you love the common sense of Ebay.

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