Re: PayPal Fees rising

Currently seems to only apply to US sellers, but we tend to get a lot of their changes eventually - hopefully it will take the same amount of time to filter down to Aus as it did when they withdrew merchant rates, that was about 2 years or so, although they may fast-track the rollout for changes of this magnitude.  The question then will be whether or not eBay (and their FVFs) will be affected by the changes - starting to understand why the last few months they've been offering more and more incentives to use alternative payment methods, though. 


The info about it on PayPal's website is a circular goose chase, that's for sure - read the fees table and it links to a user agreement to get the cost for chargeback protection, read the agreement and it links back to the fee table to get the costs.


I did note that you can't have Fraud Protection and Chargeback Protection at the same time - that seems.... really weird. Fraud protection allows sellers (those with their own websites, anyway) to reduce risks by analysing and filtering payments for various risk factors, so I dunno why PayPal wouldn't want sellers to do that if they're also paying for chargeback protection. ๐Ÿ˜•


Then there are two different types of CC protection, obviously available at different rates, one where you'll be required to submit proof of fulfilment, and one where you won't (presumably the latter will cost more). Not any seller can enrol either, you have to apply to give PayPal more money to get the protection the average seller has now. 


Guess we'll have to wait and see if / when / how the changes are implemented here - the US has had a higher fee rate than we do for a while, so hopefully when it makes its way here, the jump won't be as dramatic, it does suggest PayPal has lost a significant amount of market share, and I certainly will re-consider having it available on my website if their cost outweighs their usefulness, as that'd make the fees I currently pay for non-PayPal payments significantly more attractive. 

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