Community Member

I have a serial non payer who continually wins bids on my item, three times now the same false bid. I have complained as best I can to EBAY with no result. Why has this person, who has no intention to buy the item, allowed to continue to make these false bids. What will EBAY do to prevent this persons actions . It is not only me, others have had the same false buys

Message 1 of 10
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You can block this person (from bidding/buying from you and messaging you). This would solve the problem, at least for you.

Message 2 of 10
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And yet everyone keeps leaving them positive feedback for not paying


eBay are not going to do anything, especially when sellers repeatedly give this fake buyer green ticks


YOU can block them so they cannot bid on your items


Everyone leaving them a false positive (green tick with a neg comment) is helping to keep this person doing what they are doing, and risking getting a ping from eBay


eBay will remove the neg comment. leave the green ticks and possibly restrict the people who insist on giving green ticks to a non payer's account 

Message 3 of 10
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As the others have said, eBay gives you the tools to stop non-payers - just use those tools, then eBay will take action............


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 4 of 10
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Just to add, your postage only show to Australia but your fake buyer is registered in Israel 


If you are only posting within Australia, you may wish to check your settings/exclusions 

Message 5 of 10
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True. I looked at a listing at random and cannot find Israel among the excluded countries.

Message 6 of 10
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The fake bidder's fb left for others is highly undesirable as well.


A sea of grey, dotted with a red here and there

Message 7 of 10
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block them and move on with your life

Message 8 of 10
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A few years ago, I had a similar issue with a buyer who kept buying my items and paying with e-cheque via Paypal.


The e-cheques would always, always bounce 7 days later. And then she'd try sending another one. At the time, you could not open an UID while an e-cheque was pending.


She used two different surnames but the same address over 5 different accounts. She drove me crazy and in the end I'd just relist the item the moment she'd "buy" it, as I knew payment would inevitably bounce 7 days later. eBay gave me permission to cancel her purchases without penalty and said they'd remove any feedback from her, but they were SO reluctant to ban her from the site it was beyond belief.


Thank God she eventually gave up when I just kept cancelling anything she bought within minutes of her buying.

Message 9 of 10
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@everard6920 wrote:

A few years ago, I had a similar issue with a buyer who kept buying my items and paying with e-cheque via Paypal.


The e-cheques would always, always bounce 7 days later. And then she'd try sending another one. At the time, you could not open an UID while an e-cheque was pending.


She used two different surnames but the same address over 5 different accounts. She drove me crazy and in the end I'd just relist the item the moment she'd "buy" it, as I knew payment would inevitably bounce 7 days later. eBay gave me permission to cancel her purchases without penalty and said they'd remove any feedback from her, but they were SO reluctant to ban her from the site it was beyond belief.


Thank God she eventually gave up when I just kept cancelling anything she bought within minutes of her buying.

E-cheques are not a deliberate thing. Not like the old days where someone would want to pay a bill or something and send a cheque in the mail. E-cheques spawn randomly if someone doesn't have funds in their PayPal account, and it has to draw it from your linked savings account. If your linked account is a credit card, it doesn't happen.


I have had them spawn twice over the years when I've bought something. The first one cleared in around a week. The second one "bounced", despite having over $10,000 in my linked savings account. I asked the seller for their PayPal email and paid them manually.


Buyers have absolutely not control over whether their payment is via e-cheque. When you go to pay, there is a message in absolutely tiny writing that payment will be via e-cheque. It's quite easy to miss. I've had a few buyers that have funded their payment that way, so I send a message telling them they've paid via e-cheque, explaining how it happens, and that I can't post until it clears. Most have absolutely no idea that payment was made that way. As far as they knew, they'd paid via PayPal.


The thing is, even if you never have funds in your PayPal, and payments come from your linked savings account, 19 out of 20 will go through normally. Then all of a sudden, the 20th one spawns an e-cheque. 

Message 10 of 10
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