SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

Community Member

I have been using ebay since 1998 and a member of ebay since July 1999, so I have been using ebay for 23 years and as you can imagine, I have seen some pretty big changes in my ebay-lifetime.

But now I feel so betrayed by this multi-national monster!

First, they hike up the sellers fees for little non-business sellers like me and then they introduce their own payment system, or at least, that's what they said!

Payment? What payment?

In a world where anything can be done and completed in the blink of an eye, ebay seems to have gone right back to, well, when I started I guess, around 1998!

I mean, c'mon! I sold an item last Friday (Christmas Eve) and I shipped it off today (December 29th). Now, granted, it's been the holidays, but this has happened to me before where there were no public holidays at play.

This is the part that gets me all warm and ebay-gooey inside (NOT), is that I am told the purchaser has paid (I have to take their word for it, because there has been no payment from him or from ebay that I can see!).

And have you tried to navigate ebay's site to look for details on the sale and perhaps even, a payment!

I think I would rather be transported into a giant mutant rabbit warren and find my way out of that successfully than navigate ebay's website which has to be in the top ten user NON-friendly sites on the internet today!

 Tomorrow will be the 30th of December, Happy Holidays to anyone reading this btw! And I am sure there will still be no payment from these mega online auctioneering superstars!

I love the old saying; 'If it ain't broke, then don't fix it'!

Why did ebay do this to us??

Payments before with PayPal were instant! If you wanted to buy something, you had money in your PayPal account you could use. And if you wanted the cold hard cash and transferred it to your bank account, I mean, in the last days of the ebay-PayPal relationship, I was getting the funds appear in my bank account on the same day! Can you believe it!

Tomorrow will mark the sixth day since I sold the item.

I shipped it off to the buyer today.

I have a strong feeling that my buyer will receive his goods and delivered to his front door, before I see any payment from ebay!

And lets not forget, I am not the only one!

On any given day there will be millions of little people, like me around the world, who are just hoping for a few extra dollars to spend these holidays, but are instead looking up to the stars and saying; Please Mr. and Mrs. ebay, can I please have my money, .....please!

And while all of the millions of transactions are just sitting in one of ebay's many bank accounts, they are boosting ebay's bottom line and enhancing their presence on the stock exchange which in turn helps boost their share price!

Well good on you ebay, well done, you certainly know how to make yourself look good to all those shareholders out there, and who would have thought it was all down to being able to screw the little guy!

Anyone else think this shouldn't be tolerated, please, let me know!

Peace out

Garry from Australia

Message 1 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

Go to Seller Hub - Payments.

It's all there.


Are your payments set to daily, weekly or monthly?


My payout is once a week on a Tuesday and is in my bank account within 6 hours of the payout notification.

With the last 2 days being public holidays, the processing is taking place today.


Fees have been about 13.4% for years and years, not sure what hike you're talking about.

Message 2 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

You only have 5 feedback in the last year as a seller, so it's quite likely that eBay sees you as a "new seller". If that's the case then your money will be on hold for 21 days until you can show by tracking and/ or feedback that the sale has been completed successfully.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 3 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

Mmmmmmmmmm, interesting - and if that is the case, does that sound fair to you?

Not to me it doesn't as a loyal member of ebay for 22 years!

In which case they should arrange all of their IT geeks together and get then to install an algorithm that recognises an established, reliable and honest member who should not have to wait for years for a payment.

And besides, I may not sell much but I buy someting on ebay on average every single day!

So I am still making plenty of money for them!

Message 4 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

Thanks, but mine are set for 'Daily' and as far as the fees are concerned, I am afraid you're incorrect.

They have only been 13.4% for the last six months here, remember, I am in Australia and it may be different where you are!

Message 5 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

I'm in Australia and I'm pretty sure that 99.9% of the forums members are too, lol. Other members will confirm that the 13.4% fee has been around for a long time, not 6 months as you claim.


If you're an intermittent seller, Ebay will hold your funds for 21+ days. This means you have to prove yourself to Ebay every time you take an extended break from selling. This is to help minimise hijacked accounts and to ensure that you give a consistent level of service to your buyers.


You may not like it, but it would be well worth your while to reacquaint yourself with the Terms and Conditions, especially as a seller, and especially as you point out, there have been a lot of changes over the years.


The minute you list something, it implies that you accept the T&C's, (even if you haven't bothered to read them), and that you accept the payment hold as an infrequent seller.

Message 6 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

I fully understand why the new payment system feels like 3 steps back to a lot of sellers, especially those who have almost exclusively used PayPal for the last few years.


I remember when there was very little you could do with funds in a PayPal account except transfer it out. I haven't been on eBay quite as long as you (13 years in total for me, but it was a year or so before I started selling), but I definitely do not miss the early days of preferring / encouraging bank deposit  then checking my bank account balance for transfers 2-3 times a day for several days, or finally coming around to prefer PayPal but paying fees to pull out my less-than-$100 balance then waiting up to a week for it to hit my bank, or timing my sales with other payment sources so I always had money to send without having to wait for money from said sales etc,  so I can see why this system feels antiquated in that regard. 


I also have no doubt eBay's primary motivating factor was their own bottom line, just like that tends to be the primary motivating factor for the bulk of my own business decisions, though newer anti-money laundering laws also made it even more inevitable than it already was (the writing was on the wall as soon as the rumours of PayPal splitting with eBay started, IMHO). 


I also recognise it is something of a privileged position to be in, such as I personally am, to be unphased / unaffected by the disruption to cash flow that eBay's payment processing and disbursements can cause, which I mention for full disclosure and to give people a solid basis to simply dismiss what I say, as is occasionally the preference 😁


I take all of the above seriously, but it's all a bit by the by, at the end of the day (to use multiple worthless platitudes 😅 ) By which I mean, my recognising where the antagonism comes from, and understanding it, doesn't really provide anyone with anything practical, which I would much prefer to try and do, if it's at all possible.


eBay will never revert to the previous system, which means the thing to advocate for now is improvements to the current system, and maybe I am completely wrong, but I think better results come from focusing on specific improvements rather than lamenting what is gone and won't be brought back. It took PayPal a number of years to get to the point where money in an account was almost as good as money in a bank account, and while eBay is extremely unlikely to adjust their payments system to be on that level (because it would change their status as payment disbursement entity), we can at least advocate for better transaction records and more transparency, for more payment options (daily and weekly is pretty good, but I actually think a fortnightly and monthly option would come in handy and I can't see why eBay would object to being able to hold money for longer, lol 🤣). Transfer speed certainly has room for improvement, I know there are some banks that are a lot slower than mine, though I suspect an instant transfer option will be made available sooner or later, if but at a small fee. 


I feel like these are the points on which to apply pressure - it is not the ideal for many, I know, but if you can work with the system while continuing to call for improvements, I have at least a little bit of faith that they will come (maybe slowly, but hopefully surely). 

Message 7 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!


I checked and the increase to fees was on July 20th 2020. So almost exactly one and one half years!

And if that is the case that I am now considered an 'Intermittent Seller' , than sobeit!

Alas, ebay was once for the little guy, enabling you to speak to poeple far, far away and buy precious items from exotic places and join people together and create a like-minded community!

All that is gone and I am now defined as an 'Intermittent Seller' and not by how long I have been a member!

I'm used to it anyway, my sex life is intermittent so nothing's changed.

I'll read the T's and C's next time I can't get to sleep and oh yeah, remind me to invite you over the next time I have a barbie, you sound like the life of the party!

Wishing you and you T's and C's Happy Holidays!

Message 8 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

Fees were increased in Australia on July 20th 2020.

So one and one half years, and not years and years!

Message 9 of 16
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Re: SLOW, SLOW, SLOW SELLER PAYMENTS! Can someone tell me WHY!!!!!

There wasn't an increase in fees, there was a change in the way fees were deducted. Previously you had the Ebay fee of approx 10% PLUS the Paypal fee of 2.6% and a flagfall/fixed fee of 30c (if memory serves me correctly). Either way, combined, your fee came to 13.4%.


All that has changed is that Adyen, the new payment processor takes 13.4% upfront and then disburses the rest to your bank.


The change to the new system came into effect in July 2020, which is when many sellers signed up and moved over to Managed Payments.


If you don't read through the sellers guide as an intermittent seller, then you shouldn't be coming to the forums to complain when you don't understand why you haven't been paid yet. If you had bothered to take a few minutes, you would have seen that your funds were going to be withheld and you could have made a decision to list elsewhere, or at least not blow a gasket because your funds were withheld and you would be prepared to wait it out.

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