Something has changed ....and not for the better!

I have seen (and experienced ) the slow sale posts that are springing up faster than mormon door knockers on a Sunday morning! 


But ebay has changed something ...not sure what but the site is different. Here are some of the things I have noticed over 4 accounts over the last 3 months


Item quantities for sale changing to zero - Found this out when I noticed 1 item that sells well was not selling and found 5 others that were reset to zero. No I didnt let them sell out ...I keep all my quantities topped up !


Items that used to sell well are now not selling at all


Page views have dropped from hundreds to almost nothing. 


Email questions have dropped to almost none.


Used to get sales everyday but now it seems to be one day a week where I will sell 30 items and the rest of the week 1 or 3 items each day.

Anyone else having these trends?


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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

Yes, that's what I see too.


Search has been glitchy as all getout  for the past week or so and it wasn't good beforehand.


Sales and views have been sporadic and many sellers have reported listing numbers not adding up correctly.


I think they've been fiddling again and broken a few things.


Quite possibly buyers are feeling a bit over it too what with all hte site changes and various malfunctions.

Message 2 of 18
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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

I have noticed listings running for 10-20 days and zero views within the last couple of months.


Very unusual.

image host
Message 3 of 18
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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

I have noticed listings running for 10-20 days and zero views within the last couple of months.


Very unusual.

I've seen that too but the real problem is that you simply can't trust the numbers.


I've noticed for the last few years that number tallies can vary depending on where you view them from.


Search has also been very difficult since Cassini came in and you have to wonder how an apostrophe can return totally different lists.


eg Womens does not equal Women's (try it with any Women's Weekly title).


Only here would you find a search algorithm silly enough to count punctuation marks as searchable characters.


It's really very fruntrating and does NOT contribute to site usability for either buyers or sellers!

Message 4 of 18
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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

Yes, this is just too weird, especially when you list a venerable, iconic, historic and highly sought collectible in our sphere that engenders absolutely no interest.  It’s just not possible. Even more so weird when you consider the results of the same listing elsewhere, on a site with far less traffic, but almost overwhelming interest, with the only impediment to a sale at the moment being price, which will be successfully negotiated.


So many items with zero views and no watchers, so we’re just ‘slacking off’ for a bit, until it’s sorted. Something is wrong.


There’s an old saying, “You can go broke sitting at home enjoying yourself, without actually working for it!”


I’m just pleased we don’t rely on the income like many other poor souls do.



not a real person - just a number

Message 5 of 18
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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

I was having a wee little think this morning, and yes, it hurt .... lol.


We all I think, take it for granted that the people who really matter with the functionality, administration and marketing of eBay are those at the top of their game, yet time and time again they demonstrate that this is not so. I’m sure too that they think they are the best and are in front of the ball, despite many bells going off just now. Bells it appears that only we have an ear for.


eBay is an elephant compared to many others, no doubt about that, but how do you eat an elephant? Yes of course, one bite at a time. That’s exactly what’s happening and eBay either can’t see it, or don’t want to. Even elephants fall from their rarified height and position of strength at the multitude of bites from lesser creatures who each in their own way become a contributing factor to ultimate DEATH! It just takes time and in universe years it happens very quickly.


I don’t want it too happen, but it remains a train wreck in super slow motion.


Can you picture eBay in 10 years time? I can. It will be lonely here for westerners. Buyer and seller alike will have been drowned in eBay’s slobber. It will exist for Chinese sellers and their buyers and the Big Boys, just as an extra marketing arrow to their quiver - perhaps. They might eventually disembark too.


My memory goes back a long way with eBay. They’ve made some demonstrably horrendous mistakes with dire consequences for some, and they know it. Sadly, they’ve learnt nothing from their errors.


Dont Take it on trust that those within eBay who should know what they’re doing, actually do. I’ve read narrative from many much smarter and probably more qualified people from within these pages here. And, it’s their advice I look to, not eBay’s.


Quite grumpy today 😔



Message 6 of 18
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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

Well stated!

I agree with you completely.

Also feeling grumpy today...sales are down like many people's.

At least it's the weekend... miracles may happen.
Message 7 of 18
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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

Oh Melina... I hope that you have found yourself being degrumped.


I have been fighting a few difficult things this week, with my weapons mostly being watching some Mock The Week, making some more bone stock, drinking some excellent coffee, sleeping in longer one day this week, reading a couple of old favourites (Georgette Heyer), listening to gorgeous music, and resuming some High Intensity Interval Training after a strained knee has recovered somewhat.


I’m also thinking of possibly dashing out to get chocolate. It’s good angel/bad angel temptation.


Can any of that be of help in your degrump?

Message 8 of 18
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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

My degrump modas operandi is to drive 5 minutes to my favorite deli, buy a nice Ham Cheese & Tomato toastie and a cup of coffee, drive half a km. to a little look out by the sea and read the paper overlooking a spectacular bit of coast line. I do this several times a week and it works wonders.

Message 9 of 18
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Re: Something has changed ....and not for the better!

Wine o’clock didnt didn’t seem to work either. No chocolate was the problem .... lol.


Ah! Tomorrow’s another day and I’ll be with my grandies. Precious, innocent little kids have a beautiful way of shifting all the weight. I’ll be as happy and chirpy as a hat full of fluffy little ducks 🙂


De-grump happening soon.


G’night all. Be healthy and happy and have sweet dreams 🙂



Message 10 of 18
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