Suspicious buyer or not?

Hi guys,


I was wondering what you think of this? I received an email from someone a 'John Smith' (i kid you not) asking what is the best price I can do on an item listed for $270, i told him I have it advertised elsewhere for $250 and that is the lowest I can do. He then replies back almost immediately, even though I took about 8 hours to reply to his initial question as I was sleeping. Anyway he offers me $400 and says to give my PayPal address and he will pay and send someone to pick it up??


I replied asking why he would want to pay more than the advertised price, he hasn't responded yet?


Weird or normal??



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Re: Suspicious buyer or not?

@beautbots01 wrote:

To block someone you go to your Site Preferences (under Account Tab). Scroll down to Buyer Requirements (here you will also see your Buyer Requirements Activity Log which shows buyers who have been blocked because of your existing settings, ie No Phone Verification, Too Many Unpaid Item Strikes etc.  Any click on the Edit button to change your selling preferences.  Scroll down to the bottom of the questions (if you haven't seen this before you might like to check out how you can sift out unwanted buyers).  Before you click on the Blocked Buyer List make sure you check the Apply to Active and Future Listings box.  

Then click the Blocked List link and add the buyer's id to your list and submit.  Hope that makes sense.  Definitely worth knowing how this works. 

This worked great!!! Sounded and read as complex, but was very easy to follow, and I agree, much needed and valuable!! Thanks so much!!

Message 21 of 22
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Re: Suspicious buyer or not?

You're welcome. Glad it helped.  Smiley Wink

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