Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

Why does ebay and Paypal take a percentage from the postage when it has nothing to do with them??


Message 1 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

Sure you're not, Mr. Z!

Message 21 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

Not applicable

i think i am better off just setting up my own website at this point. eBay jsut leeching way too much money of its sellers. I made a sale for something worth $350 (including shipping),, i only got a payout of $297. disgusting...



Message 22 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

This is a 7 year old thread, start a new one.

And I have already reported the post you made beore you edited to change it from telling davewill to 'shut up dave'


A pretty stupid addition to a dead thread. As to your new website, good luck and you won't be missed here

Message 23 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

You've been a member for nearly a year, with more than one sale, and you've only just noticed?


Of course it costs nothing to maintain a website, especially continually tweaking SEO, so you will probably be better off.

Message 24 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

I think they spend a considerable amount of their profits for staff writing up vague , B/S policies.

This sounds exactly like one of them.

Here's another that's always stuck in mind - I had an email from someone asking me to call them as to organise inspection of an item that I had listed on both eBay and alternate online site. They sent me their contact phone number via eBay messages. In this instance I really did message back and say as much as I'm open to inspection I can't send personal info via eBay messages, nor did I send them any info about alternate website posting.
So, item sells via other web platform, not eBay. During that day my eBay account was suspended with approximately 50-60 listings all deleted...not even accessible to retrieve. I then had all of my PayPal payments coming from eBay, from that seller account and around 7 others, placed on hold for 21 days...each and every payment received. There's no real explanation to account holder, it's just the deal eBay and PayPal have/had.
I was finally told by eBay that they have automated code scanning messages for things like phone numbers and email addresses. In my case the bot discovered the OTHER PERSONS phone number, and also saw that I ended the listing within 48 hours of that message being sent to me. Support also read my reply and agreed I did the right thing.... but still did nothing !

Less than happy I put it to eBay staff that they're only interested in stopping people from circumventing fees, and are not considering all circumstances. Then they pulled this out of their proverbial :

Oh no , definitely not. The reason we do this is prevent problems between buyers and sellers that can arise when either party has direct contact information with the other.

Just as others have said , I can see no other reason for eBay to charge the fees they do on postage costs other than trying to prevent people circumventing eBay fees. At one time it was a free for all of $1 buy it now items with extremely high postage costs... as to circumvent fees.

eBay had a loophole and people exploited it. I don't begrudge them their fees but I do think the way they go about it is unjustified.

Maybe they could have spent some $'s on code scanning ridiculously low sell prices and incorrect postage costs, but hey , that probably wouldn't yield the profits a blanket postage cost fee would.

Message 25 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

What does your post have to do with a member that hasn't posted for nearly 5 YEARS and has hardly anything to do with the Original Post from nearly 7 YEARS AGO ?????


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 26 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

your points have validity though, and in retrospect had I have realised discussuion so old I would not have contributed.
...and example was long winded.

I guess a positive for me is that I do think fees on postage has always been a bit of a scam, and these subsequent comments keep bumping the thread as to remind others....is that how it works ?

Message 27 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

The problem with bumping threads is that in many cases the information is out of date (not so much in this case), and can give misinformation to members. Many years ago an eBay rep was on the boards in a discussion with some members, and committed to locking old threads so that didn't occur, sadly that was not implemented. Lately one of the mods has been locking some outdated threads thankfully.


It's always best to start a new topic if you have concerns so that you can get up to date information. A year with eBay's policy changes is a long time let alone 6 or 7 years.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 28 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

I find you can't win. If you start a new thread about a topic like this you immediately get attacked by the forum REMOVED for asking a question that already has multiple threads. If you post on an old thread you also get attacked by the same forum REMOVED for bringing up old threads. 


I have seen it so many times. 😆

Message 29 of 30
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Re: Why does ebay take a percentage from postage?

This particular topic doesn't need anything posted about it.


The answers are already there; all that is needed is for the poster to read the thread before bumping.

Message 30 of 30
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